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UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA 2007-2008 graduate bulletin
graduate bulletin index

updated 8/15/2007

Department of Physical Education (PEDU)

  • 510 -- Teaching Health Related Physical Fitness. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 223/224 or BIOL 243/244) Knowledge and application of processes and principles of health related physical fitness in physical education and sport settings.
  • 515 -- Physical Education for Inclusion. (3) (Prereq: 340, 360) Designing physical education programs for special populations and for students with special needs.
  • 520 -- Observational Analysis of Sports Techniques and Tactics. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 190, EXSC 223, 224 or BIOL 243, 244; PHYS 101) Qualitative and quantitative techniques to observe, describe, analyze, and evaluate human movement in physical education and sports settings.
  • 545 -- Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: 15 credits in professional physical education, including PEDU 132 and 6 semester hours of professional skill courses) The historic background of measurement in physical education; statistical techniques to be used in scoring and interpreting tests; evaluation of measures now available in the field; and the administration of a testing program.
  • 546 -- Advanced Athletic Training. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 346 or consent of instructor) Problems in athletic training and conditioning. Instruction in the proper initial diagnosis and disposition of athletic injuries, rehabilitation techniques, and the specific technical requirements of the athletic training profession.
  • 553 -- The Organization and Administration of Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: 18 credits in physical education, including six semester hours of professional skill courses) Organization of instructional, intramural, interscholastic, and recreational programs, with emphasis on criteria for the evaluation and selection of activities.
  • 555 -- Current Topics in Physical Education. (1-3)
  • 570 -- Human Child/Adolescent Growth. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 223, 224, or equivalent) Human physical growth and development of children with emphasis on years 4 to 18.
  • 575 -- Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher. (3) Appropriate movement experiences for children. Not available for physical education majors.
  • 577 -- Dance Performance. {=THSP 577} (3) Rehearsal, choreographic analysis, and dance performance. All components of dance production--including music, costume, lighting, and scenery--will be considered.
  • 635 -- South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum. (3) Development of physical education programs using the South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum Materials.
  • 637 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Football. (3) (Prereq: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching) An intensive investigation of current theories of offensive and defensive football. Generalship, strategy, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
  • 638 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Basketball. (3) (Prereq: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching) An intensive investigation of the latest techniques and theories of coaching basketball. Systems of offense and defense, generalship, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
  • 639 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Track and Field Events. (3) (Prereq: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high-school coaching) A thorough study of the latest techniques of coaching track and field events. Isometric, isotonic, and interval conditioning theories involving the cardiovascular and muscular systems are examined to acquaint the student with varying physiological approaches to conditioning.
  • 640 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Teaching and Officiating Girls’ Gymnastics. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) A thorough study of the latest techniques of teaching and officiating girls’ gymnastics. Balance beam, vaulting, uneven bars, tumbling, dance skills and routines, and officiating methods.
  • 650 -- American Coaching Effectiveness Program. (3) The skill and knowledge to conduct an effective and safe athletic program for youth.
  • 660 -- Counseling Student Athletes. {=EDCE 650} (3) Issues facing student athletes regarding their personal and career development beyond athletics.
  • 702 -- Interpretation and Implementation of Physical Education Programs for Children. (3) An intensive investigation of contemporary physical education programs for children.
  • 703 -- Conceptual Issues in Teaching Physical Education. (3) Advanced study of current literature and research in physical education.
  • 705 -- Applied Theories of Perceptual-Motor Learning in Physical Education. (3) Analysis of theories and principles of perceptual-motor and motor development of infants and children. Emphasis is placed upon reviewing current research as it applies to the physical education setting.
  • 709 -- Anthropometric Measures and Their Uses. (3) Research procedures in measuring and rating human somatic variables. Experience in taking measurements on children and adults. Discussion of instruments, rating scales, positioning subjects, locating landmarks, and attaining consistency. Consideration of reliability and relevance in use of photographs, roentgenograms, casts, and direct measures.
  • 710 -- Measurement and Research in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 545) The treatment of current theory and practice of testing, evaluation, and research in physical education, with emphasis on the methods and tools of research.
  • 722 -- Curriculum Development in Physical Education. (3) Principles of physical education based upon physiology, psychology, and sociology; curriculum-making procedures; plans and regulations for the conduct of the curriculum in physical education; criteria for the evaluation and selection of activities; evaluation, measurement, and grading procedures; and the formulation of a curriculum outline for elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
  • 725 -- Supervision in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: EDUC 731) Theory and practice of supervision of student teaching practica in physical education.
  • 729 -- Study of the Teaching of Physical Education. (3) Study of the analysis of teaching applied to the development of effective teaching skills in physical education.
  • 730 -- Educational Psychology of Physical Education. (3) The consideration of principles and concepts from the field of psychology which are particularly pertinent to the teaching of physical education and coaching. An illustration of how such concepts as motivation, individual differences, development and control of emotion, patterns of behavioral adjustment, efficiency of practice, reinforcement, and readiness may be applied to the mutual advantage of the teacher and the student.
  • 732 -- Analysis of Instructional Behavior in Physical Activity Programs. (3) Research-based study of strategies, delivery systems, and clinical, school, and community-based programs in physical activity.
  • 734 -- Advanced Assessment and Management of Athletic Injuries. (3) Advanced study of the knowledge and skills involved in the evaluation of athletic injuries.
  • 735 -- Contemporary Issues in Athletic Training. (3) Examination of issues shaping the athletic training profession with an emphasis on practical application and professional development.
  • 736 -- Advanced Treatment and Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries. (3) Advanced study of the treatment of athletic injuries focusing on the concepts and principles of a comprehensive rehabilitation program, including therapeutic exercise and therapeutic modalities.
  • 737 -- Current Research in Athletic Training Education. (3) Examination of current literature in athletic training education as it pertains to the clinical and didactic experiences of athletic training students, clinical instructors, and practicing professionals.
  • 741 -- Readings in the Social History of Sport. {=HIST 741} (3) Reading and discussion of the critical and analytical literature on sport history.
  • 750 -- Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Physical Education. (3) A study of the historical and philosophical bases of physical education. Emphasis will be placed on the integration and application of this information to the formulation of a practical philosophy of physical education.
  • 755 -- Selected Topics in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: 15 hours in graduate courses in physical education or consent of instructor) A study of selected issues confronted in physical education programs.
  • 770 -- Research Methods in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: 18 credits in professional physical education, fundamentals including PEDU 232 and 545) A study of applicable methods and tools of research in physical education. Provision for students to engage in original research.
  • 778A -- Directed Student Teaching in Physical Education I. (6) (Prereq: consent of instructor; coreq: PEDU 778B) Student teaching at the elementary or secondary level combined with planning and initiation of an action research project to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching physical education. Restricted to M.A.T. students in physical education. (effective spring 2003)
  • 778B -- Directed Student Teaching in Physical Education II. (6) (Prereq: consent of instructor; coreq: PEDU 778A) Student teaching at the elementary or secondary level combined with completion of an action research project to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching physical education. Restricted to M.A.T. students in physical education. (effective spring 2003)
  • 784 -- Theory and Application of Effective Teaching Strategies in Physical Education. (3) Study of effective teaching in physical education. Acquisition of advanced teaching skills beyond those required for basic certification.
  • 790 -- Independent Study. (1, 2, or 3 hours to be designated at registration) Topics to be assigned and approved by advisor, graduate director, and department head.
  • 791 -- Practicum in Physical Education. (0-3) (Prereq: Consent of graduate director) Clinical and/or field experience in a variety of settings related to or dealing with physical activity. The practicum is designed to provide the student with in-depth experiences in a particular aspect of motor skill acquisition.
  • 798 -- Project in Physical Education. (3) Independently executed project designed to expand the student’s knowledge of physical education.
  • 799 -- Thesis Preparation. (1-9)
  • 820 -- Evaluation of Physical Activity Programs. (3) A study of the theoretical framework of physical activity programs in clinical, school, and community-based settings. Emphasis will be placed on the evaluation designs appropriate for assessment and on the skills necessary to conduct independent research.
  • 829 -- Cognitive Factors in Motor Skill Acquisition. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 730; and either PSYC 520 or PSYC 712) The study of cognitive and motor skills in children.
  • 830 -- Development of Skilled Sport Performance. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 730 and either PSYC 501 or PSYC 712) Development of cognitive and motor processes necessary for skilled performance in sport.
  • 832 -- Research Practicum in Motor Learning/Motor Performance. (3) Scientific investigation of specific research problems in motor learning/motor performance.
  • 833 -- Research Practicum in Physical Education. (1-6) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Designing, conducting and interpreting research studies in physical education.
  • 840 -- Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Study of Teaching and Instruction. (3) A survey and critical analysis of the field of research on teaching and instruction.
  • 841 -- Seminar in Research on Teaching in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: EDRM 740) Interpretation and critical analysis of research on selected topics on teaching and instruction in physical education.
  • 850 -- Research, Theory, and Practice of Teacher Education in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Research, theory, and methods of teacher education in physical education.
  • 860 -- Advanced Curriculum and Philosophy in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 722) Curriculum theory and design in physical education; implications of major philosophical positions, developmental and learning theory, and culture on the design and implementation of physical education curriculum.
  • 899 -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12)

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