Patrick J. Maney, Chair
Dan T. Carter, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1967, Educational Foundation Professor of History
Kendrick A. Clements, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1970
Owen Connelly, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1960, Caroline McKissick Dial Professor of History
Walter B. Edgar, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1969, George Washington Distinguished Professor of History
Claude Henry Neuffer Professor of Southern Studies
Lacy K. Ford Jr., Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1983
Robert Edwin Herzstein, Ph.D., New York University, 1964, Carolina Distinguished Professor
Paul E. Johnson, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1975
Daniel C. Littlefield, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1977, Carolina Professor of History
Simon Paul MacKenzie, D.Phil., Oxford University, 1989
Patrick J. Maney, Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1976
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D., Princeton University, 1973
Constance B. Schulz, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 1973
Mark M. Smith, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1995, Carolina Distinguished Professor
Marcia Graham Synnott, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1974
Robert R. Weyeneth, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1984
Clyde N. Wilson Jr., Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1971
Associate Professors
Ronald R. Atkinson, Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1978
Thomas J. Brown, Ph.D., Harvard University, 1995
Kathryn Edwards, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1993
Lawrence B. Glickman, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1992
Gary Edward Gregg, Ph.D., University of London, 1972
Katherine C. Grier, Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1988
Carol E. Harrison, D.Phil., Oxford University, 1993
Wanda A. Hendricks, Ph.D., Purdue University, 1990
William Dean Kinzley, Ph.D., University of Washington, 1984
Jessica Kross, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1974
Michael C. Scardaville, Ph.D., University of Florida, 1977
Michael Smith, Ph.D., Cornell University, 1972
Patricia A. Sullivan, Ph.D., Emory University, 1983
Assistant Professors
Bobby Donaldson, Ph.D., Emory University, 2002
Lessie Jo Frazier, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1998
Karl G. Gerth, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2000
Ann Johnson, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2000
Thomas M. Lekan, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1999
Valinda W. Littlefield, Ph.D., University of Illinois, Champaign, 2003
Lauren R. Sklaroff, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2003
Page Putnam Miller, Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1979
Distinguished Lecturer in Public History
Cleveland Sellers, Ed.D., University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 1987
Sanford T. Marcus, M.A., Hebrew Union College, 1970
Faculty Emeriti
Gerasimos Augustinos, Ph.D., Indiana University, 1971
John D. Basil, Ph.D., University of Washington, 1966
Edward H. Beardsley, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1966
Peter W. Becker, Ph.D., Stanford University, 1971
George Curry, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1952
John J. Duffy, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1959
Daniel Walker Hollis, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1953
Richard D. Mandell, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1962
Grace Jordan McFadden, Ph.D., Antioch-Union, 1975
Robert Benjamin Patterson, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1962
Hilel Benami Salomon, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969
John G. Sproat, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1959
Tom E. Terrill, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1966
Robert M. Weir, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 1966
Degree Requirements
- (120 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
- For general outline, see "College of Liberal Arts."
2. Major Requirements
- General Major (27 hours)
- All courses for the major must be at the 300 level or higher.
- A. HIST 300 The Historian’s Craft (3 hours)
- B. U.S. history (3 hours)
- C. European history (3 hours)
- Note: Requirement must be met by a course dealing with a time period different from that chosen for the general education requirement, i.e., modern or pre-modern.
- D. African, Middle Eastern, Asian, or Latin American history (3 hours)
- E. Senior Seminar or Thesis (3 hours: sould be taken during final 45 hours)
- Note: Student should have had an upper-level course in a field relevant to the seminar or thesis.
- F. Twelve additional hours at the 300 level or above history courses (12 hours)
- Note: Students can individually tailor their electives, with the advisor's approval, around a topical, methodological, temporal, or geographical focus.
- The department will determine into which groups specific history courses fall. Exceptions to distribution requirements must be approved by the undergraduate committee of the Department of History.
3. Cognates, see "College of Liberal Arts" (12 hours)
4. Electives, see "College of Liberal Arts."
- The Warwick Exchange Program. Selected history majors spend the junior or senior year at the University of Warwick, Coventry, England, and maintain normal progress toward graduation.
Course Descriptions (HIST)
- 101 -- European Civilization from Ancient Times to the Mid-17th Century. (3) The rise and development of European civilization from its Mediterranean origins through the Renaissance and Reformation.
- 102 -- European Civilization from the Mid-17th Century. (3) European development and expansion from the mid-17th century to the present.
- 104 -- Introduction to the Civilization of the Islamic Middle East. (3) An analysis which treats the major cultural elements of traditional Islamic civilization and then concentrates upon the reactions of the Arabs, Turks, and Iranians to the problems of adjusting to the modern world.
- 105 -- Introduction to East Asian Civilization. (3) The evolution of social, political, and cultural patterns in East Asia, with emphasis on the development of philosophical, religious, and political institutions and their relationship to literary and artistic forms in China and Japan.
- 106 -- Introduction to African History. (3) An examination of several traditional sub-Saharan African societies and of their political and economic transformation in the modern, colonial, and post-independence periods.
- 107 -- Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Civilization. (3) The political, social, religious, economic, military, and intellectual development of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and adjoining areas from the origins of civilization until the seventh century A.D.
- 109 -- Introduction to Latin American Civilization. (3) A discussion of the political, cultural, and economic forces which have conditioned the development of institutions and ideas in Spanish and Portuguese America.
- 111 -- History of the United States from Discovery to the Present Day. (3) A general survey of the United States from the era of discovery to the present, emphasizing major political, economic, social, and intellectual developments. First semester: to 1865; second semester: since 1865. Honors sections are available for students in the honors program.
- 112 -- History of the United States from Discovery to the Present Day. (3) A general survey of the United States from the era of discovery to the present, emphasizing major political, economic, social, and intellectual developments. First semester: to 1865; second semester: since 1865. Honors sections are available for students in the honors program.
- 300 -- The Historian's Craft. (3) Explores the nature of historical evidence, the formulation of historical questions, and the construction of historical arguments using primary and secondary materials.
- 306 -- The Birth of Europe. (3) A survey of the formation and development of Europe from the fourth to the 14th centuries. Emphasis upon the emergence of European culture and upon aspects of European prosperity after A.D. 1000.
- 307 -- Family and Society in Europe, c. 1200-1700. (3) Explores the concerns and importance of families in pre-modern Europe. Topics include household furnishings and management, social classes, gender roles, family law, marriages, business, children, feuds, and sexuality.
- 308 -- Popular Culture in Europe, c. 1200-1700. (3) Explores the expressions of and ideas behind "popular" cultural beliefs and practices in pre-modern Europe. Topics include magic, witchcraft, festivals, gambling, sports, pilgrimage, and criminality.
- 309 -- Age of Renaissance. (3) Church, state, and society at the end of the Middle Ages; the influence of humanism on political, social, and religious thought; studies in the writings of Petrarch, Pico, Machiavelli, and Erasmus.
- 310 -- Age of the Reformation. (3) Ecclesiastical institutions, religious experience, and efforts at reform before Luther; career and theology of Luther; diffusion of Reformation throughout Europe; career and theology of Calvin; Catholic renewal and response.
- 311 -- The Age of Absolutism, 1648-1789. (3) A survey of European political, economic, and intellectual development from the age of Louis XIV to the eve of the French Revolution.
- 312 -- French Revolution and Napoleon. (3) The changes in France and Europe during the revolutionary decade, the rise of Napoleon, and the establishment of French hegemony over the Continent.
- 313 -- The Enlightenment. (3) Intellectual and cultural history of the Enlightenment with particular attention to its relationship with the colonial world and its challenges to eighteenth-century states. Readings focused on primary sources.
- 316 -- Nineteenth-Century Europe. (3) Political, social, economic, and intellectual developments from 1815-1900, which brought European culture to its zenith and contributed to Europe's global domination.
- 317 -- Contemporary Europe from World War I to World War II. (3) The Great War, revolution, and reconstruction; the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes and the coming of World War II.
- 318 -- Europe from World War II to the Present. (3) The Second World War and its origins; the Cold War; European recovery; a divided continent and Europe in the Global Era.
- 320 -- The History of Great Britain. (3) A survey of the political, social, economic, and cultural development of the British Isles from Anglo-Saxon times to the present. First semester: to the Restoration of 1660; second semester: since 1660.
- 321 -- The History of Great Britain. (3) A survey of the political, social, economic, and cultural development of the British Isles from Anglo-Saxon times to the present. First semester: to the Restoration of 1660; second semester: since 1660.
- 322 -- Celtic and Roman Britain, 2000 B.C.-A.D. 500. (3) The social, cultural, religious, political, and military developments in Britain during Celtic and Roman times.
- 323 -- England Under the Normans and Angevins, 1066-1307. (3) The effects of the Norman Conquest; social and constitutional development through the reign of Edward I; Romanesque and Gothic culture.
- 324 -- Late Medieval England, 1307-1485. (3) England's later medieval cultural and constitutional development; Lancastrians and Yorkists; the Hundred Years' War.
- 325 -- England Under the Tudors, 1485-1603. (3) Political, cultural, and intellectual life during the English Renaissance and Reformation.
- 326 -- England Under the Stuarts, 1603-1714. (3) Political, intellectual, and cultural developments; constitutional struggles from James I to Queen Anne.
- 327 -- Great Britain Under the Hanoverians, 1714-1815. (3) Constitutional developments in the 18th century, the Whig ascendency, the impact of the Industrial, American, and French Revolutions, and Britain's rise to world power.
- 328 -- Nineteenth-Century Britain. (3) The political, economic, and social developments in Great Britain and Ireland during the Victorian Age.
- 329 -- Modern and Contemporary Britain. (3) The political, economic, and social developments in Great Britain and Ireland during the 20th century.
- 333 -- France Since 1815. (3) A political and social history from the Bourbon Restoration to the present.
- 338 -- Modern Germany. (3) A survey of German history including political, cultural, social, and economic developments from unification in 1871 to the present.
- 342 -- The Slavs in History. (3) An introductory survey of the civilization of the Slavic peoples. The historical traditions and culture of the peoples that occupy much of the Eurasian continent.
- 343 -- The Fall of the Eastern European Empires. (3) Nineteenth-century eastern European states and peoples; the political and social forces leading to World War I.
- 344 -- Eastern Europe Since WWI. (3) Survey of states in East-central and Southeastern Europe. Problems of national identity, modernization, and small state politics. Impact of WWII, the Cold war, the fall of communism, and the return to pluralism.
- 347 -- The Middle East in Modern Times. (3) The impact of modern civilization upon the Middle East, including the history of the Arab, Turkish, Iranian, and Israeli segments of the Middle East during the 19th and 20th centuries.
- 348 -- North Africa from Colonialism to Revolution: 1830-1962. (3) A survey of French North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) and Libya under colonial rule. The creation, development, and triumph of the nationalist movements, with particular attention to Algeria and its revolution.
- 349 -- The Contemporary Middle East and North Africa. (3) Political, social, and economic history of the Middle East and North Africa in the years since World War II.
- 351 -- Africa to 1800. (3) Social, cultural, economic, and political developments, focusing on internally and externally generated changes.
- 352 -- Africa since 1800. (3) Commercial and religious revolutions of the 19th century, imposition and ending of formal colonial rule, and post-colonial issues.
- 354 -- Modernization of China and Japan. (3) The impact of the West on China and Japan from the 17th century to the end of World War II. Emphasis on the rise of nationalism and the conflict between modernization and traditionalism in each country.
- 357 -- Japan to 1800: Aristocrats and Warriors. (3) The growth of the ancient state and the evolution of the samurai class and its political authority.
- 358 -- Japan since 1800. (3) The development of modern Japan: political evolution, industrial growth, social change, war, defeat, and occupation.
- 370 -- The Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815). (3) Military campaigns of Napoleon, techniques of his major opponents, organization of the armies, and the causes and effects of the wars.
- 374 -- Nationalism: Myth and Reality. (3) A comparative examination of the origins and development of nationalism and its impact on the modern world.
- 375 -- Nazis and Fascists in European History, 1919-1945. (3) German and Italian political movements; emphasis on the role of leadership, propaganda, and ideology. Fascist movements in France, Rumania, Hungary, and Great Britain.
- 376 -- War and European Society, 1914-1945. (3) Thematic examination of the nature and impact of total war on European society; emphasis on socio-economic, cultural, and military aspects.
- 377 -- Business in Historical Perspective. (3) Capitalism in the Western world; the rise of modern corporate enterprise in Europe and America since 1850.
- 378 -- Urban Experience in Modern Europe. (3) Social and cultural impact of urbanization in Europe since 1789 through a comparison of major cities such as London, Paris, Vienna, and Berlin.
- 382 -- History of Crime and Punishment in the Western World. {=CRJU 382} (3) Trends in crime and punishment systems in the western world from 1400. Social, economic, and other factors that influenced criminality and societal responses in Europe and the United States.
- 383 -- History of Judaism: The Ages of the Bible and the Talmud. {=RELG 381} (3) The Jewish people, 1800 B.C.-A.D. 500, and the religious, cultural, and political factors involved as they created and lost a nation and developed a religion.
- 384 -- History of Judaism: The Middle and Modern Periods. {=RELG 382} (3) The religious and secular history of the Jewish people since A.D. 500, including an examination of theological Judaism, modern Israel, and American Judaism.
- 385 -- The Expansion of Christianity. (3) Critical epochs in the spread of Christianity. Consideration of the great crises that shaped the structure and form of Christianity during the last 20 centuries: the Hellenistic world; the medieval syntheses; the breakup of Western Christian unity; the transition to worldwide mission activity in the industrial age.
- 386 -- Islamic Institutions and Traditions. {=RELG 354} (3) The institutions--political, religious, social, and economic--developed by the Muslim community and the traditions which surround them. Emphasis on the role of these institutions and traditions in the classical era and the changes they have undergone in modern times.
- 399 -- Independent Study. (1-6) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
- 401 -- The Development of the American People to 1789. (3) The founding of the English colonies, their developing maturity, the events leading to the Revolution, and the creation of a new nation.
- 402 -- The New Nation, 1789-1828. (3) The new republic and the developing democratic spirit in politics and culture.
- 403 -- The Sections and the Nation, 1828-1860. (3) The three cultures of East, South, and West; their interactions and the events leading to the Civil War.
- 404 -- Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877. (3) The political, military, and social history of the War and the reorganization which followed.
- 405 -- The Rise of Industrial America, 1877-1917. (3) A survey of recent United States history with emphasis on the economic, social, and literary developments from 1877 to 1917.
- 406 -- The United States and a World at War, 1917-1945. (3) A survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the period.
- 407 -- United States History Since 1945. (3) A survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural developments in the period after World War II.
- 409 -- The History of South Carolina, 1670-1865. (3) A study of South Carolina origins and developments.
- 410 -- History of South Carolina Since 1865. (3) A survey of recent South Carolina history with emphasis on social and institutional development.
- 413 -- History of Canada. (3) A survey of Canadian development from colony to modern nation.
- 415 -- Black Americans. (3) A survey of the historical development of black people in the Western Hemisphere.
- 420 -- Latin America: The Founding of New Societies. {=LASP 341} (3) The establishment and consolidation of the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the Western hemisphere; interaction of Indians, Africans, and Iberians, and the formation of social, economic, and political traditions in Latin America; political independence.
- 421 -- Modern Latin America. {=LASP 342} (3) Traditional society in the area and problems arising from social, economic, and political changes since independence; comparative studies of national responses to these problems.
- 423 -- History of Mexico. {=LASP 442} (3) Mexico from the pre-conquest period to the present, with an emphasis on modern Mexico.
- 435 -- The American Revolution. (3) The causes of the Revolution; the events of the period and their implications.
- 441 -- Introduction to Southern Studies. {=SOST 301} (3) Examines interdisciplinary approaches to fundamental problems in the study of the American South.
- 442 -- The Old South. (3) Development of Southern society and of the forces that made the South a distinctive section of the United States.
- 443 -- The New South. (3) Reconstruction, the Bourbon era, agrarian revolt, industrial revolution, racial problems, and the changes resulting from the impact of two world wars and the New Deal (1865-1946).
- 447 -- The Westward Expansion of the United States. (3) A history of the westward movement of the United States from the Appalachians to the Pacific, the economic and social development of these regions, and their influence on the national scene.
- 448 -- American Environmental History. (3) Interaction of cultural values, economic interests, public policy, and technology with the physical environment over time.
- 449 -- American Popular Culture Since 1890. (3) A history of the contributions of the popular aspects of American culture and their interactions with American institutions.
- 451 -- The History of American Medicine. (3) The development of the art and science of medicine as practiced in the United States from colonial times to Medicare. Emphasis on the social history of American medicine.
- 452 -- The History of Science in America. (3) The development of science in America from colonial times to the present. Special attention will be given to defining those factors, scientific, economic, and social, which have raised American science to its commanding position in the 20th century.
- 460 -- American Thought to 1865. (3) The transfer and adaptation of European ideas to a new environment and the development of new patterns.
- 461 -- American Thought since 1865. (3) The maturation and extension of a national culture.
- 462 -- Southern Intellectual and Cultural History. (3) Intellectual and cultural developments characteristic of the Southern region from colonial times to the recent past.
- 464 -- History of American Women. {=WOST 464} (3) The social, political, and economic roles and changing status of women in America.
- 465 -- American Diplomatic History. (3) A historical survey of American foreign policy and foreign relations. First semester: to World War I. Second semester: World War I to the present.
- 466 -- American Diplomatic History. (3) A historical survey of American foreign policy and foreign relations. First semester: to World War I. Second semester: World War I to the present.
- 468 -- American Military Experience. {=ARMY 406} (3) Transformation of war and of the institutions for waging war from the American Revolution to the present.
- 479 -- Oral History. (3) Methodology, application and usage, historic and current literature, identification and examination of available resources.
- 492 -- Topics in History. (3) Reading and research on selected historical subjects. Open only to juniors and seniors with permission of the instructor.
- 493 -- Topics in History. (3) Reading and research on selected historical subjects. Open only to juniors and seniors with permission of the instructor.
- 494 -- Topics in History. (3) Reading and research on selected historical subjects. Open only to juniors and seniors with permission of the instructor.
- 497 -- Senior Seminar. (3) Open to history majors or by special permission of instructor.
- 498 -- Senior Seminar. (3) Open to history majors or by special permission of instructor.
- 499 -- Senior Thesis. (3) Principles of historical research and writing. A senior year thesis related to one of the advanced courses in the major program.
- 501 -- The Ancient Near East to 323 B.C. (3) The formation of ancient Near Eastern cultures, the ultimate synthesis of these cultures and the resulting establishment of the Near East as an historical entity.
- 502 -- Greek History and Civilization to 146 B.C. (3) The origins and development of Greek civilization in its political, economic, social, and cultural aspects with special attention being given to the early and late classical periods and the Hellenistic Age.
- 503 -- The History of Rome, 753-27 B.C. (3) The rise of the Roman Republic, its constitutional development, consolidation of Italy, and expansion throughout the Mediterranean to the establishment of the Principate and the birth of Christ.
- 504 -- The Roman Empire, 27 B.C.-480 A.D. (3) The political, economic, and social structure and development of the Roman Empire from the establishment of the Principate to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West.
- 515 -- Byzantine History: 4th to 11th Centuries. (3) The political, religious, and military developments within the Eastern Empire including its influence on Western and Slavonic Europe and Islam.
- 516 -- Byzantine History: 11th to 15th Centuries. (3) The political and military developments within the Eastern Empire from the invasion of the Seljuk Turks to its final destruction by the Ottoman Turks.
- 518 -- The Coinage of the Ancient World. (3) The origin and development of coinage among the Greeks and Romans, 700 B.C. to A.D. 500, with emphasis on the significance of coins in the study of ancient history, art, and religion.
- 521 -- The Formation of Western Cultures, 300-1000 A.D. (3) The causes and course of the split of the Roman Mediterranean world into the three modern western cultures; Western European, Eastern Orthodox, and Islamic.
- 523 -- The Crusades. (3) Holy war and realpolitik in Mediterranean East-West relations from the 10th through the 15th centuries with emphasis on the role of the crusades in the cultural formation, development, and international relations of East and West.
- 541 -- The History of Russia from the Earliest Times to the Mid-19th Century. (3) The earliest life on the steppe, the Kievan State, the foundations of Moscow, and the Russian empire to the reign of Nicholas I.
- 542 -- The History of Modern Russia and the Soviet Union. (3) The decline of Imperial Russia, the Revolution of 1917, Lenin, Stalin, and the Soviet Union since Stalin.
- 543 -- Russian and Soviet Diplomatic History. (3) Imperial and Soviet foreign and military policies in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- 562 -- The Middle East and the United States: 1800 to the Present. (3) Political, cultural, and economic ties which have linked the Middle East to the United States. Middle Eastern views of these relationships and their impact on modern Middle Eastern history.
- 566 -- Problems in the History of Africa South of the Sahara. (3 each) Independent readings and written papers on appropriate topics.
- 573 -- History of Traditional Chinese Thought. {=PHIL 573} (3) An introduction to the development of Chinese thought in relationship to the political and socioeconomic institutions of early China (sixth century B.C. to third century A.D.), with emphasis on Confucianism and Taoism.
- 574 -- China to Revolution. (3) The impact of war and revolution on the traditional institutions of China from the Opium War in 1839 to the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.
- 575 -- China Since 1949. (3) Introduction to the major social, economic, and political changes in China from the Communist Revolution in 1949 to the present.
- 576 -- Japan: The Military Tradition. (3) Origins and development of the samurai warrior class and the nature and implication of Japanese military power in political, social, and cultural life.
- 577 -- Consumer Society in Modern East Asia. (3) An introduction to the issues, concepts, and theories underlying the study of commodity culture and their application to the study of modern East Asian history.
- 596 -- Evolution of Warfare I. (3) A history of tactics, strategy, weapons, and logistics from 500 B.C. to A.D. 1400.
- 597 -- Evolution of Warfare II. {=ARMY 597} (3) A history of tactics, strategy, weapons, and logistics from A.D. 1400 to the present.
- 599 -- Topics in History. (3) Reading and research on selected historical topics. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by suffix and title.
- 610 -- Everyday Life in Colonial America. (3) The customs, mores, attitudes, and living conditions of men and women of the 17th and 18th centuries. Emphasis on the common people of the American colonies.
- 615 -- The Civil War in American History. (3) The causes, events, and results of the Civil War.
- 616 -- The Reconstruction of the Nation. (3) The events and results of the attempt to reorder the American nation after the Civil War.
- 621 -- Constitutional History of the United States. (3) A study of the constitutional development of the United States from the creation of the Articles of Confederation to the Civil War. It deals primarily with problems of governmental organization, judicial interpretation, and sectional politics.
- 622 -- Constitutional History of the United States. (3) An analysis of the growth of constitutional power from 1860 to the present, giving special attention to the constitutional problems of the Civil War period, the increasing role of the judiciary in national affairs, and the general extension of constitutional authority in the 20th century.
- 640 -- South Carolina History. (3) South Carolina since colonization. (Television instruction only.)
- 641 -- The American South Comes of Age. (3) Changes in the Southern region since 1940. (Television instruction only.)
- 648 -- The Black Experience in the United States. (3) The social, cultural, economic, and political life of black people in the United States. First semester: to 1865; second semester: since 1865.
- 649 -- The Black Experience in the United States. (3) The social, cultural, economic, and political life of black people in the United States. First semester: to 1865; second semester: since 1865.
- 663 -- Social and Economic History of Latin America. {=LASP 441} (3) The evolution of social groups and changes in economic patterns in Latin America from pre-Columbian times to the present.
- 664 -- Gender in Latin America. {=LASP 440} (3) Comparative study of gender and women's history exploring intersections of gender with social structures such as race, class, and political beliefs.
- 692 -- Historic Preservation Field Experience--Charleston, S.C. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) On-site introduction to historic preservation including research, interpretation, management, and economics of preservation. Offered only in Charleston during summer term.
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