Political Science
Harvey Starr, Chair
Shahrough Akhavi, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969
Ann Bowman, Ph.D., University of Florida, 1979, James F. and Maude B. Byrnes Professor of Government
Roger A. Coate, Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1977, Director of the Walker Institute of International Studies
Betty Glad, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1962, Olin D. Johnston Professor of Political Science
Cole Blease Graham Jr., Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1971
Steven W. Hays, Ph.D., University of Florida, 1975, Charles L. Jacobson Professor of Public Affairs
John F. Hsieh, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1982, Director of the Center for Asian Studies
Natalie Hevener Kaufman, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1966
Charles W. Kegley, Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1971, Pearce Professor of International Relations
Robert W. Oldendick, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 1977, Director of the Institute for Public Service and Policy Research
Donald Puchala, Ph.D., Yale University, 1966, James F. and Maude B. Byrnes Chair of International Studies
Jerel Rosati, Ph.D., American University, 1982
Peter C. Sederberg, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1970, Dean of the Honors College
Gordon B. Smith, Ph.D., Indiana University, 1976, Associate Provost and Dean of The Graduate School
Donald R. Songer, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1975, Graduate Director
Harvey Starr, Ph.D., Yale University, 1971, Dag Hammarskjold Professor in International Affairs
Kenny J. Whitby, Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1983
Laura Woliver, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1986
Associate Professors
Robert C. Angel, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1985, Undergraduate Director
Katherine Barbieri, Ph.D., Binghamton University, 1996
James W. Douglas, Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1997
George A. Krause, Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1994
Daniel R. Sabia, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1978
Mark E. Tompkins, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1980
Charlie B. Tyer, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1976, M.P.A. Director
David P. Whiteman, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1981
Assistant Professors
Jill Frank, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1992
Brad T. Gomez, Ph.D., Duke University, 1999
Thomas G. Hansford, Ph.D., University of California at Davis, 2001
Zaryab Iqbal, Ph.D., Emory University, 2004
Christopher Kam, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2002
Mona M. Lyne, Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, 1998
Todd Shaw, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1996
Jessica Sowa, Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2003
Neal Woods, Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2003
Research Assistant Professor
Thomas E. Durkin, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1994
Faculty Emeriti
Chester W. Bain, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1955
Mark W. DeLancey, Ph.D., Indiana University, 1973
Brian R. Fry, Ph.D., Stanford University, 1972
Paul M. Kattenburg, Ph.D., Yale University, 1949
William P. Kreml, J.D., Northwestern University, 1965; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1972
Vukan Kuic, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1958
James E. Larson, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1952
D. Bruce Marshall, Ph.D., Yale University, 1968
Raymond A. Moore, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1961
James T. Myers, Ph.D., George Washington University, 1969
James M. Roherty, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1957
Robert M. Rood, Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1973
William T. Salisbury, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1971
Robert H. Stoudemire, M.A., University of South Carolina, 1947
Robert S. Thompson, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970
Richard L. Walker, Ph.D., Yale University, 1950
Charles B. Weasmer, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1963
Donald E. Weatherbee, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1968
Roberg G. Wirsing, Ph.D., University of Denver, 1971
- Overview
- The department offers the general and the intensive major both in political science and in international studies.
Degree Requirements
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
(120 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
- The following course fulfills some of the general education requirements and must be completed for a major in international studies: POLI 101. For an outline of other general education requirements, see "College of Liberal Arts."
2. Major Requirements
- General Major
A total of 27 hours of courses numbered 300 and above, including POLI 315 and 316, 12-15 hours of internationally oriented POLI courses numbered 300 and above, and 6-9 hours of internationally oriented non-POLI courses numbered 300 and above are required. Major course work should be distributed between one or two areas of emphasis (e.g., global environmental studies, U.S. foreign policy, international organizations, etc.). Course selection must be guided and approved by the student's advisor.
Intensive Major
Besides the requirements for the general major, intensive majors must complete an additional 6 hours of IS-related courses (approved by the major advisor) and a senior thesis (POLI 499) as well as demonstrate proficiency in one foreign language.
- Note: Intensive majors must maintain a B or better in all major courses. Foreign language proficiency will be demonstrated by earning a rating of "intermediate high" on the ACTFL/ETS examination or a "1+" rating on the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) examination. In those languages for which such testing is not available within a foreign language department, proficiency will be demonstrated by passing with a C or better a minimum of 15 hours of one foreign language.
3. Cognates or Minor, see "College of Liberal Arts" (12-18 hours)
4. Electives, see "College of Liberal Arts" (Variable hours)
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (120 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
- POLI 201 and one course from POLI 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, and 111 must be completed for a major in political science; one of these courses may be used to satisfy the general education requirements. For an outline of other general education requirements, see "College of Liberal Arts."
2. Major Requirements
General Major
A total of 27 hours of courses numbered 300 and above, including POLI 301 and at least one course in three of the following subfields: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public administration. Remaining major course work should reflect the student’s interests and career goals by being organized around one or two areas of emphasis. Course selection must be guided and approved by the student’s advisor.
Intensive Major
Besides the requirements for the general major, intensive majors must complete an additional 6 hours of major course work (approved by the major advisor) and a senior thesis (POLI 499), as well as demonstrate proficiency in one foreign language.
- Note: An Intensive major must maintain a B or better in all major courses and demonstrate proficiency in one foreign language through the intermediate level.
3. Cognates or Minor, see "College of Liberal Arts." (12-18 hours)
4. Electives, see "College of Liberal Arts." (Variable hours)
Course Descriptions (POLI)
- Students should select courses including pre-major courses appropriate to their degree program.
- 101 -- Controversies in World Politics. (3) Principal forces and factors influencing world affairs, with emphasis on the role of the United States: resources, food, arms control, human rights, the environment, and rich and poor countries.
- 103 -- Controversies in the Politics of Global Regions. (3) Social, cultural, and historical forces underlying contemporary political controversies in Africa (a), Asia (b), Europe (c), Latin America (d), and the Middle East (e); region will be identified by suffix and title.
- 105 -- Introduction to Politics. (3) Concepts and problems involved in human relationship with governments, the nation-state, and political change.
- 107 -- Controversies in Political Theory. (3) An introduction to the analysis of disputes about the nature of politics and of political ideas such as freedom, equality, and justice.
- 109 -- Controversies in Public Policy. (3) An introduction to the analysis of contentious public policy questions in contemporary American society, such as welfare, gun control, health care financing, immigration, affirmative action, and/or abortion.
- 111 -- Controversies in American Politics. (3) An introduction to the analysis of key issues in contemporary American politics focusing on the arguments, the groups involved, and the political factors that influence the outcome of the debate.
- 201 -- American National Government. (3) The formation and development of the national government, its organization and powers.
- 202 -- Policies and Functions of American Government. (3) (Prereq: POLI 201) The policies and functions of the American national government directed to the public issues and problems of contemporary America.
- 300 -- Social and Political Philosophy. (3) {=PHIL 314} An overview of the major themes in political philosophy such as the nature of politics, obligation, community, representation, freedom, equality, and justice.
- 301 -- The Political Science Discipline. (3) Required of political science majors. The history and development of approaches, methods, and fields of study.
- 302 -- Classical and Medieval Political Theory. (3) Political theories from the Greeks to the Renaissance.
- 303 -- Modern Political Theory. (3) Political theories from the Renaissance to the 19th century.
- 304 -- Contemporary Political Theory. (3) Nineteenth and 20th century political theories.
- 305 -- Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality. {=SOCY 304, =WOST 304} (3) Historical and contemporary power relationships in race, social class, gender, and sexual orientation.
- 307 -- Feminist Theory. {=WOST 307} (3) Historical development of feminist theory and contemporary debates within feminism.
- 315 -- International Relations. (3) International political behavior and institutions.
- 316 -- Comparative Politics. (3) Comparative approaches to political systems, behavior, and institutions.
- 330 -- International Organization. (3) An introduction to the structure and functions of international political and economic organizations. Particular attention to the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and to emerging regional communities.
- 336 -- God and Globalization. {=RELG 364} (3) A critical survey of current issues and historical developments in religion and world politics, focusing particularly on those demonstrating the interplay of globalization and fragmentation.
- 340 -- The Conduct and Formulation of United States Foreign Policy. (3) An analysis of how contemporary United States foreign policy is made and conducted.
- 341 -- Contemporary United States Foreign Policy. (3) A critical analysis of selected problems of United States foreign policy.
- 342 -- National Security Policies of the United States. (3) Formulation and implementation of contemporary United States defense and security policies.
- 350 -- Public Opinion and Politics. (3) A broad survey of the role and development of public attitudes toward political problems in a democracy. Emphasis on the origins, manifestations, and consequences of public opinion in American politics.
- 352 -- Gender and Politics. {=WOST 352} (3) Impact of gender on the distribution of power in society; historic foundations of contemporary sex roles and their economic, social, and political concomitants.
- 357 -- Film, Politics, and Social Change. (3) Critical analysis of film as expression and agent of political cultural, ideology, and change.
- 360 -- American Political Parties. (3) A broad survey of the role of political parties in the American political system. Following an examination of the historical evolution of party systems in the United States, primary attention is given to three aspects of contemporary political parties: the party as an organization, the party as an electorate, and the party as a governing elite.
- 361 -- Elections and Voting Behavior. (3) An analysis of elections and the voting process. Topics include candidate selection, campaigning, and the conduct of elections as well as public opinion, voting behavior, and the role of elections in the democratic political system.
- 362 -- Politics and the Mass Media. (3) Survey of the role in American politics of mass communications media, including the press and electronic news reporting; influence of mass media on the conduct of political campaigns, political leadership style, and public opinion.
- 363 -- Southern Politics. (3) Selected political patterns and trends within the 11 states of the American South. Historical developments with the central focus on Southern politics since 1950.
- 364 -- African-American Politics. (3) African-American politics from the colonial period to the present. Emphasis on voting rights and strategies to advance black representation.
- 365 -- State Government. (3) A study of state-federal relations, relations among states, state constitutions, and the structure and functions of the three branches of government. Emphasis is given to South Carolina.
- 368 -- Interest Groups and Social Movements. (3) The mobilization, organization, tactics, and results of group-based politics, including latent interests and the suppression of interests.
- 370 -- Introduction to Public Administration. (3) A study of the basic principles and theory of administrative structure, responsibility, and control in relation to policy making in the modern state.
- 371 -- Politics of Taxing and Spending. (3) Principles and practices of financial administration, including organization, budgeting, assessment, treasury management, and debt.
- 373 -- Regulatory Policies. (3) Types and limits of powers exercised by regulatory agencies; procedural law and remedies against administrative action.
- 374 -- Public Policy. (3) Process of and major approaches to making public policy particularly, in the United States. Case study materials will focus on such major policies as welfare, health care, national security, and resource management.
- 379 -- Public Affairs Internship. (2-6)
- 380 -- Comparative Politics of Developing Countries. (3) A comparative analysis of the political problems confronting new nations, the political consequences of the breakdown of traditional society and the problems of developing new institutional forms and procedures.
- 381 -- Comparative Politics of Industrialized Countries. (3) Introduction to the development, structure, and functioning of government and politics in Western Europe, the former Soviet states, and other selected industrialized countries.
- 391 -- Topics in Political Science. (3) May be repeated once as topics change.
- 399A -- Independent Study in Political Science. (1-6) (Prereq: prior approval of and individualized contract by the director of undergraduate studies in political science and the instructor who will supervise the project).
- 399B -- Independent Study in International Studies. (1-6) (Prereq: prior approval of an individualized contract by the director of undergraduate studies in international studies and the instructor who will supervise the project).
- 400 -- Selected Topics in Political Theory. (3) Intensive analysis of a particular topic or topics. To be identified by suffix and title each semester.
- 401 -- Selected Thinkers in Political Theory. (3) Intensive analysis of particular theorist or theorists. To be identified by suffix and title each semester.
- 402 -- African American Political Thought. {=AFRO 402} (3) Survey of many of the major schools of historic and contemporary African American political thought.
- 404 -- Democratic Theory. (3) An introduction to contemporary theories and practices with focus on Western, especially American, experience.
- 416 -- Revolution and Political Violence. (3) Forms, causes, and consequences of domestic political violence with special attention to revolution.
- 417 -- Theories of War in International Relations. (3) The contributions of the social sciences and social theorists to an understanding of the causes of war.
- 420 -- International Law. (3) The origin, development, and principles of the international law of peace and the enforcement of these principles, the law of war and pacific settlement of disputes.
- 421 -- Law and Contemporary International Problems. (3) The growth of law in several areas of increasing international concern: environmental protection, expropriation, outer space, individual rights and obligations, conservation of resources, state responsibility, and terrorism.
- 430 -- Ideology and World Politics. (3) An introduction to the ideological context of world affairs, with attention to traditional democratic, totalitarian, and Third World "developmental ideologies."
- 431 -- Science, Technology, and Public Policy. (3) Interaction between science and politics, the making of the national science and technology policy, and the role of public policy in promoting and managing scientific change.
- 432 -- Nationalism and Ethnicity in World Politics. (3) Nationalism and ethnicity as factors in world politics, including the sources, nature, and analysis of conflicts associated with them.
- 433 -- Economic Aspects of International Politics. (3) Economic problems and policies in international politics including theory of comparative advantage; international economic aid, trade and monetary issues; the United States' role in the international economy; and the functions of international economic institutions.
- 440 -- Russian Foreign Policy. (3) Analysis of the development of foreign policies in Russia and other states of the former USSR with special attention to relations with Europe and the United States.
- 441 -- Intelligence and Foreign Policy. (3) An introduction to the contemporary structures, institutions, precepts, and processes of the U.S. foreign intelligence establishment with focus on how it responds to the crucial information needs of policy makers.
- 442 -- Global Security Policies. (3) Conceptualization of problems of global security. Investigation of global security issues.
- 443 -- International Relations of East Asia and the Pacific. (3) Political patterns and forces in the Asia/Pacific region in recent times including the process of decolonization, regional conflicts, great power relations, and economic interdependencies.
- 444 -- International Relations in Japan. (3) The institutions, actors, and processes of Japan's contemporary political and economic foreign affairs.
- 445 -- Political Economy of Africa's Regions. (3) The historic and contemporary political and economic processes and structures of one or more regions in Africa, such as North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, or Southern Africa.
- 446 -- International Relations of Africa. (3) Contemporary international relations among African nations including decolonization, pan-Africanism, and movements of national liberation; Africa's role in the United Nations, relations between African states and the former colonial powers, the United States, and communist countries.
- 447 -- Foreign Policies of Selected Powers. (3) Foreign policy-making institutions, processes, and policies of selected powers with special attention to the domestic determinants of foreign policy.
- 448 -- Politics and Government of China. (3) Political institutions and processes of the People's Republic of China with secondary emphasis on the government and politics of the Republic of China on Taiwan.
- 449 -- International Relations of the Middle East. (3) Examination of super- and great-power policies toward the Middle East; inter-regional relations and Middle East foreign relations.
- 450 -- Constitutional Law. (3) Nature and functions of the national government and its relations with the states.
- 451 -- Constitutional Law. (3) Due process and civil liberties.
- 452 -- The Judicial Process. (3) A study of the growth of law, the law-making function of the courts, the structure and organization of federal and state courts, the procedures involved in civil and criminal cases, and the problems and proposals for reform in the administration of justice.
- 454 -- Women and the Law. {=WOST 454} (3) Constitutional and statutory case law dealing with gender equality issues. Topics include abortion, affirmative action, pornography, sexual harassment, fetal protection policies, employment discrimination, and women in the military.
- 462 -- The Legislative Process. (3) A study of the structure, organization, powers, functions, and problems of legislative bodies.
- 463 -- The American Chief Executive. (3) Constitutional, statutory and political powers and roles of the American chief executive.
- 465 -- Psychology and Politics. (3) (Prereq: PSYC 101) The role of psychology in political attitudes and behavior. Examination of individual psycho-political relationships and aggregate typologies. Particular emphasis on the psychological roots of the need for or the rejection of political authority.
- 470 -- Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations. (3) The origins and evolution of the American federal system, focusing on the constitutional, regulatory, and financial entanglements among federal, state and local governments.
- 475 -- Survey Research. (3) Principles and practice of survey research/public opinion polling including sampling, questionnaire design, data collection, coding processing and analysis.
- 477 -- Ecology and Politics. (3) An analysis of political responses to ecological issues, including both general perspectives on the nature of social and environmental problems as well as specific local, state, national, and global concerns.
- 480 -- Politics and Government of Russia. (3) Political processes and institutions of Russia and other independent states of the former USSR.
- 481 -- Politics and Governments of Europe. (3) Political processes and institutions of European nations.
- 483 -- Middle East Politics. (3) Focuses on the internal politics of Middle East states; historical and cultural setting of Middle East politics, social institutions, and dynamics of the political process.
- 487 -- Politics and Governments of Africa. (3) Political developments, processes, and institutions of the African nations.
- 488 -- Politics and Governments of Latin America. {=LASP 351} (3) The development, principles, political thought, and politics of the several Latin American states.
- 489 -- Politics and Government of Japan. (3) Political institutions and processes of Japan.
- 499 -- Senior Thesis. (3) For intensive majors. Individual instruction in research techniques and supervised thesis preparation.
- 502 -- Methods of Political Analysis. (3) Quantitative techniques in political science; levels of measurement; problems of description, causation, and inference.
- 503 -- American Political Thought. (3) Themes and thinkers in American political history.
- 504 -- Politics and Ethics. (3) The nature of, and relationship between, politics and ethics.
- 505 -- Utopian Political Thought. (3) A critical examination of utopian and dystopian political ideas.
- 537 -- International Relations of Latin America. {=LASP 451} (3) Contemporary international relations among Latin American states, including economic and political security and relations with the United States.
- 554 -- Law and Society. (3) The American judicial system, including the decision to resolve disputes by legal means, political influence on the legal system, the social impact of legal rulings, the relationship of the courts to other branches of government, and the applicability of higher law concepts in judicial decision making.
- 567 -- American Local Government. (3) An introduction to the institutions, functions, policy-making processes, and politics of American local government.
- 570 -- South Carolina Government and Politics. (3) South Carolina state and local government in the context of South Carolina history and U.S. state and local government.
- 680 -- Politics of Revolution in Middle America. {=LASP 454} (3) Contemporary political development of Middle American nations with emphasis on the background and significance of revolution in such countries as Mexico and Cuba.
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