Phillip C. Dunn, Chair
Art Education Area
Cynthia Colbert, Ph.D., University of Missouri, 1978, Louise Fry Scudder Professor
Phillip C. Dunn, Ed.D., Ball State University, 1978, Louise Fry Scudder Professor
Assistant Professors
Minuette Floyd, Ph.D., Florida State University, 1997
Jack Richardson, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2002
Visiting Assistant Professor
Peter Smith, Ed.D., Arizona State University, 1983
Art History Area
John M. Bryan, Ph.D., Boston University, 1972
Charles R. Mack, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1972, William J. Todd Professor of the Italian Renaissance, Louise Fry Scudder Professor
Associate Professors
Bradford Collins, Ph.D., Yale University, 1980
Daniel G. Streible, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1994
Visiting Assistant Professor
Andrew Graciano, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2002
Media Arts Area
Associate Professors
Karla Berry, Art Institute of Chicago, M.F.A., 1985
Walter V. Hanclosky, Ph.D., Kent State University, 1985
Assistant Professors
Laura Kissel, M.F.A. Northwestern University 1999
Jennifer Laffoon, M.F.A., University of Arizona, 2000
Joe Milutis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2001
Susan Hogue, M.A., University of South Carolina, 1982
Studio Art Area
Roy R. Drasites, M.F.A., University of Illinois, 1972
James Edwards, M.F.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1972
Robert F. Lyon, M.F.A., Tyler School of Art/Temple University, 1977, Associate Chair
Associate Professors
Deanna M. Leamon, M.F.A., Southern Illinois University, 1982
Chris Robinson, M.F.A., University of Massachusetts, 1975
Peyton Rowe, M.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996
Virginia Scotchie, M.F.A., New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, 1985
Assistant Professors
Stephanie Nace, M.F.A., Kent State University, 2001
Kathleen Robbins, M.F.A., New Mexico State University, 2001
David Voros, M.F.A., Indiana University, 1994
Visiting Assistant Professor
Mary Robinson, M.F.A., Indiana University, 2001
Mana Hewitt, M.F.A., University of South Carolina, 1982
Debbie Sherer, M.A.T., University of South Carolina, 1989
Distinguished Faculty Emeriti
Eugene J. Crediford, M.F.A., Ohio University, 1972
Beverly F. Heisner, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970
A. Porter McLaurin, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1972
Harry W. Miller, M.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1967
Philip E. Mullen, Ph.D., Ohio University, 1970
John J. O’Neil, Ed.D., Columbia University, 1973
J. Boyd Saunders, M.F.A., University of Mississippi, 1962
Lee Siple, M.F.A., Syracuse University, 1979
James Steven, M.F.A., Chicago Art Institute, 1965
Gunars Strazdins, M.F.A., University of Colorado, 1968
T. Howard Woody, M.A., East Carolina University, 1962
Degree Programs
The Department of Art offers programs leading to degrees in art education, art history, studio art, and media arts. The Bachelor of Arts degree with a general major is available in art history and art studio. A special Bachelor of Fine Arts program is offered by the Department of Art. There are two options: studio art and art education. The art option is available with a concentration in one of the following: painting, drawing, printmaking, three-dimensional studies, photography, intermedia, and ceramics. The art education option is designed for those planning a career and seeking certification in teaching. The Department of Art reserves the right to retain one example of artwork from each student in each course.
Honors Sections
The Department of Art participates in the University's Honors College. Each year, one or more sections of art or art history courses are generally offered for honors students.
A limited number of scholarships are available to entering freshmen and continuing students in studio art. Contact the department office for policy guidelines.
Class Attendance
Students are obligated to complete all assigned work promptly, to attend class regularly, and to participate in whatever class discussion may occur. Absence from more than 10 percent of the scheduled class sessions, whether excused or unexcused, is excessive, and the instructor may choose to exact a grade penalty for such absences.
The instructor's attendance policy should be ascertained by the student at the beginning of the semester. It is of particular importance that a student who anticipates absences in excess of 10 percent of the scheduled class sessions receive prior approval from the instructor before the last day to change schedule, as published in the Master Schedule of Classes.
It must be emphasized that the 10-percent rule stated previously applies to both excused and unexcused absences. Faculty members should notify classes specifically of the attendance policy which they intend to follow in each class.
Degree Requirements
Bachelor of Arts in Art Studio
(120 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
For the general outline, see "College of Liberal Arts."
2. Major Requirements (39 hours) (C or better required)
The completion of one of the eight B.F.A. ARTS 100-level tracks (24 hours).
Fifteen additional hours of ARTS 200 level or above (15 hours).
3. Art History* (9 hours)
Each student must develop a concentration of 9 hours at the 200 level or above in one of the following areas: painting, drawing, printmaking, 3D studies, ceramics, photography, or design.
4. Cognates (12 hours) (C or better required)
5. Electives (7-16 hours)
*Art history may count as a general education requirement, cognate, or free elective.
Bachelor of Arts in Art History
(120 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
For the general outline, see "College of Liberal Arts."
2. Major Requirements (C or better required)
ARTH 105, 106, 501 (9 hours)
18 hours in art history, one of which must be on the 500 level (in addition to ARTH 501) (18 hours)
3. Cognates (12 hours) (C or better required)
4. Electives (25-34 hours)
For information about an intensive major, contact the director of undergraduate studies in art.
Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts
(120 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
For the general outline, see "College of Liberal Arts."
Media Arts Core Courses (C or better required)
Core Requirements:
MART 110, 201, 210, 321, 499
Three courses from the following:
MART 262, 302, 341, 365, 371, 380
Three courses from the following:
MART 521, 522, 541, 542, 551, 552, 553, 561, 562, 571, 572, 581, 582, 583, 590
One course from the following:
ARTH 365, 366, 569
2. Cognate/Minor (12-18 hours) (C or better required)
3. Electives (4-19 hours)
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio
(125-134 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (53-62 hours)
For general outline, see "College of Liberal Arts."
Art history requirement
ARTH 105*, 106*, one modern art history**, and one intermediate or advanced course in art history**(12 hours)
*May count as "humanities" in the general education requirements.
**May count as cognates.
2. Candidates Must Choose One of Eight Options within the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio (60 hours)
Note: Candidate must complete the foundation requirements before moving on to advanced course work.
Note: All major requirements must be completed with a grade of C or higher.
Design Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 107, 111, 112, 245, 246, and 260 or 261, or equivalent photography course.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 265, 345, 346, 445, 446, 447, 545; 15 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
Ceramics Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 108, 111, 112, 220, 225.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 320, 321, 325, 420, 421, 326 or 232; 18 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
3D Studies Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 108, 111, 112, 220, 225.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 325, 326, 425, 426, 320, 321 or 232; 18 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
Drawing Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 107, 111, 112, 232, 210 or 233.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 330, 331, 430, 431; 6 hours from figure drawing, painting, printmaking, or photography; 18 hours ARTS 200 level or above ARTS courses.
Painting Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 107, 111, 112, 210, 232 or 260 or 261.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 310, 311, 410, 411; six hours from drawing, figure drawing, printmaking, or photography; 18 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
Photography Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 107, 111, 112, 215, 261.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 360, 361, 460, 461, 245, 570; 18 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
Printmaking Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 107, 111, 112, 215, 232 or 260 or 261.
Major Requirements (36 hours): ARTS 315, 316, 415, 416; 6 hours from drawing, figure drawing, painting, or photography; 18 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
Intermedia Option
Foundation Requirements (24 hours): ARTS 102, 103, 104, 107, 111, 112, 210, 245 or 261.
Major Requirements (36 hours):
Twelve hours from three groups:
Group 1: ARTS 310, 311
Group 2: ARTS 330, 331
Group 3: ARTS 345, 346
Group 4: ARTS 360, 361
ARTS 450 and 451
18 hours ARTS 200-level or above ARTS courses.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education
(130-142 hours)
1. General Education Requirements (44-56 hours)
ENGL 101, 102 and any two of the following: ENGL 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289 (12 hours)
Foreign language*
Mathematics/quantitative skills*
Option 1: MATH 111, CSCE 101 and 102 (9 hours)
Option 2: MATH 122 or 141 and CSCE/STAT or MATH (6-7 hours)
Natural science: Both biological and physical science (astronomy, chemistry, geology, physical geography, physics) must be represented, with a minimum of two laboratory courses. (8 hours)
Social science: courses from at least two of the following fields: anthropology, geography, history, government and international studies, political science, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. A maximum of 6 hours may be earned in any one field. One 3-hour course in American history is required for teacher certification (12 hours)
MUSC 110 (3 hours)
HPRE 221 (3 hours)
2. Certification Requirements (38 hours)
The following professional courses in education are required for all students preparing to teach art in high schools:
EDUC 300, 401, 402 (9 hours)
EDRD 500 (1 hour)
ARTE 350, 465**, 520, 530, 540, 541 (16 hours)
EDSE 471** (12 hours)
3. Major Requirements (48 hours)
ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 210, 215, 225 (21 hours)
ARTS 220, 235, 255 or 258 (3 hours)
Four ARTS courses*** (12 hours)
ARTE 345 or 555 (3 hours)
ARTH 105, 106 (6 hours)
One additional ARTH course**** (3 hours)
*See "Basic Degree Requirements in Liberal Arts," College of Liberal Arts.
**Block courses--EDSE 471 and ARTE 465 are taken in the last year of study.
***Each student must have a concentration of at least 9 hours in one studio area at the 200 level or above.
****ARTE 101 may count as an art history course.
Course Descriptions
Art Education (ARTE)
- 101 -- Introduction to Art. (3) Lectures in art appreciation introducing the elements and principles of the visual arts, with examples from the history of art.
- 345 -- Art Evaluation. (3) The language of art is taught through viewing, interpreting, producing, and appreciating art. Historical and contemporary art criticism; methods of teaching art criticism to children and young adults.
- 350 -- Interactive Multimedia Approaches to Learning in Art. (3) An introduction to classroom applications of interactive multimedia such as photography, sound, video, and computer generated imagery for curriculum planning in art.
- 360 -- Interdisciplinary Relationships in the Arts. (3) The study of relationships among visual arts, music, theatre, and dance.
- 399 -- Independent Study. (3-9) (Prereq: consent of instructor and department chair) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
- 465 -- Applied Art Education. (3) (Coreq: EDSE 471) A series of seminars designed to assist art students with the directed teaching experience, to be taken concurrently with directed teaching.
- 520 -- Art for Elementary Schools. (3) Methods of teaching art to elementary and preschool children. Major emphasis will be given to relevant studio experiences.
- 530 -- Art of Children. (3) A study of prominent theories of the artistic development of children from infancy through adolescence. Students will examine children's art from various age groups and apply theoretical explanations to these observations.
- 535 -- Art for Atypical Students. (3) An introduction to the philosophy, goals, and problems of educating the atypical child. Atypical characteristics, teaching strategies, and curriculum content are covered.
- 540 -- The School Art Program. (3) (Prereq: ARTE 520 or consent of instructor) An introduction to art education as a profession. The history, curricular development, and current issues are examined. Students practice proven teaching techniques.
- 541 -- Practicum in Art Education. (1) (Coreq: ARTE 540) A sequence of supervised practicum experiences in middle and secondary school art education settings. Seminars and group discussions.
- 550 -- Incorporating New Media in Art Education. (3) Applications new media such as digital photography, sound, and other interactive hypermedia for the art classroom. Emphasis on integrating art production with art history, criticism, and aesthetics.
- 555 -- Art Criticism. (3) Critical skills in viewing, interpreting, and communicating meanings of visual art works. Experiences in art appreciation and aesthetic sensitivity.
- 560 -- Interdisciplinary Art. (3) An exploration of the common aspects and interrelationships of the visual arts, music, theatre, and dance.
- 565 -- Field Experience Seminar. (3) (Coreq: EDSE 471 Directed Teaching)
- 595 -- Art Education Workshop. (1-6) A workshop especially for teachers and prospective teachers, featuring practical art experiences and projects for elementary and secondary school. Topic varies with suffix.
Art History (ARTH)
- 105 -- History of Western Art. (3) The visual arts from Paleolithic times to the Renaissance.
- 106 -- History of Western Art. (3) The visual arts from the Renaissance to the present.
- 250 -- Methodologies in Art History. (3) A seminar for art history majors and graduate students in the history and various methodologies of the discipline.
- 313 -- History of Roman Art. (3) An examination of the development of architecture, painting, and sculpture until the end of the Roman Empire.
- 315 -- History of Medieval Art. (3) A survey of architecture, painting, and sculpture in Europe during the Middle Ages.
- 320 -- History of Italian Renaissance Art. (3) The origins and development of Renaissance painting, sculpture, and architecture in Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries.
- 321 -- History of Northern Renaissance Art. (3) The arts of Northern Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries with particular emphasis on the developments in the Low Countries, Germany, and France.
- 325 -- History of Southern Baroque Art. (3) The art and architecture of Italy and Spain in the 17th century.
- 326 -- History of Northern Baroque Art. (3) The art and architecture of Holland, Flanders, France, England, Germany, and Austria in the 17th century.
- 327 -- History of 18th Century Art. (3) The art of 18th century Europe from the emergence of the Rococo through the neoclassical revival.
- 330 -- History of 19th Century Art. (3) A survey of the history of architecture, painting, and sculpture in the 19th century.
- 335 -- History of 20th Century Art. (3) A survey of architecture, painting, and sculpture in the 20th century.
- 337 -- History of Modern Architecture. (3) Architecture from the turn of the century until the present.
- 340 -- History of American Art I. (3) A survey of the history of art in America from colonial times to 1860.
- 341 -- History of American Art II. (3) A survey of art in America from 1860 to the present.
- 342 -- Contemporary American Art. (3) Recent trends in painting and sculpture.
- 345 -- History of Oriental Art. (3) The art and aesthetics of the Far East with primary emphasis on the art of China.
- 346 -- African Art. (3) Sculpture, painting, architecture of Sub-Saharan Africa.
- 350 -- History and Theory of Art Criticism. (3) Art criticism from antiquity to the present.
- 365 -- History of Cinema I. {=ENGL 474 and THSP 480} (3) Survey of the international cinema from its inception until 1945.
- 366 -- History of Cinema II. {=ENGL 475 and THSP 481} (3) Survey of the international cinema from 1945 to the present.
- 390 -- Topics in Art History. (3) Topic varies with suffix.
- 399 -- Independent Study. (3-9) (Prereq: consent of instructor and department chair) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
- 498 -- Independent Study. (3)
- 499 -- Independent Study. (3)
- 511 -- Etruscan Art and Archaeology. (3) Seminar in the art and civilization of the pre-Roman Etruscan peoples of Italy. Slide lectures, discussion sessions, and some examination of archaeological field methods and pottery classification.
- 514 -- Topics in Ancient Art. (3 each) Topic varies with suffix.
- 519 -- Topics in Medieval Art. (3 each) Topic varies with suffix.
- 520 -- History of Renaissance Painting. (3) An analysis of the paintings and painters of importance during the period of the Renaissance in Europe.
- 521 -- History of Renaissance Sculpture. (3) A survey of the major developments in the art of sculpture associated with the European Renaissance.
- 522 -- History of Renaissance Architecture. (3) European architecture and architectural theory during the 15th and 16th centuries.
- 523 -- Florentine Art. (3) The artistic development of Florence from the age of Giotto to that of Michelangelo as seen in the context of social and cultural developments.
- 524 -- Topics in Renaissance Art. (3 each) Topic varies with suffix.
- 525 -- History of Baroque Painting. (3) (Prereq: ARTH 106 or 325 or 326 or consent of instructor) 17th-century European painting.
- 526 -- History of Baroque Sculpture. (3) (Prereq: ARTH 106 or 325 or 326 or consent of instructor) 17th- and 18th-century European sculpture.
- 527 -- History of Baroque Architecture. (3) (Prereq: ARTH 106 or 325 or 326 or consent of instructor) The architecture of Europe in the 17th century with special attention to the major architects of Italy, France, Germany, and England. Topics to be included are: the church, the palace, the garden, and city planning.
- 529 -- Topics in 18th-Century Art. (3 each) (Prereq: ARTH 106 or 327 or consent of instructor) Topic varies with suffix.
- 534 -- Topics in 19th-Century Art. (3 each) (Prereq: ARTH 106 or 330 or consent of instructor) Topic varies with suffix.
- 535 -- History of Modern Painting. (3) A detailed examination of 20th-century painting.
- 536 -- History of Modern Sculpture. (3) The development of sculpture in the 19th and 20th centuries with special attention to contemporary tendencies.
- 537 -- Topics in Modern Architecture. (3 each) (Prereq: ARTH 106 or 337 or consent of instructor) Topic varies with suffix.
- 539 -- Topics in Modern Art. (3 each) Topic varies with suffix.
- 540 -- History of American Painting. (3) Important aspects of American painting with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.
- 542 -- History of American Architecture. (3) A consideration of the evolution of architecture in America including aspects of town and city planning.
- 543 -- The History of American Antiques and Decorative Arts. (3) A survey of our material culture concentrating upon the evolution of styles.
- 544 -- Topics in American Art. (3 each) Topic varies with suffix.
- 549 -- Topics in Non-Western Art. (3 each) Topic varies with suffix.
- 550 -- Trends in Art History. (3) A critical examination of the development of the discipline of art history and an analysis of its major trends and theoretical positions.
- 557 -- History of Printmaking. (3) Technical, aesthetical, and historical study of the development of printmaking.
- 560 -- Museology I. (3) The history and theory of museums and an introduction to museum practices in the setting of a multi-disciplinary institution. Practical experience provided through the various units of the University Museums.
- 561 -- Museology II. (3) Museum practices emphasizing the conservation, installation, and interpretation of the object in the context of an art museum. Practical experience provided through the Columbia Museum of Art.
- 562 -- Art Conservation. (3) History, theory, practices, ethics, and procedures of modern art conservation. Practical experience provided through the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology.
- 569 -- Topics in Film History. (3) (Prereq: one film course {FILM 240 or MART 270 or ENGL 565 or 566 or THSP 580} or consent of instructor) Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of courses by suffix and title.
- 590 -- Topics in Art History. (3 each) (Prereq: ARTH 105 or 106 or 300-level ARTH course or consent of instructor) Topic varies with suffix.
Media Arts (MART)
- 110 -- Introduction to Media Arts. (3) Introduction to the theories and aesthetics of film, video, photography, audio, and new media.
- 201 -- Introduction to Media Development. (3) Fundamental conceptual and technical aspects of media.
- 210 -- Digital Media Arts Fundamentals. (3) (Prereq: MART 110) Introduction to the theory and practice of image and sound capture, sequencing, and processing, for photo, video, and Web.
- 262 -- The Still Image. (3) (Prereq: MART 210) Communicative elements of the still image; aesthetics, production component included.
- 302 -- Producing for Media Arts. (3) (Prereq: MART 110) Organization of people, finances, and materials for media production.
- 321 -- Writing for Media. (3) Role and preparation of story boards, treatments, and scripts for various forms of media production.
- 341 -- Introduction to Audio Art. (3) Theoretical, artistic, and historical conceptualization of audio as independent art form. Production skills include recording, editing, processing, and sound for film.
- 365 -- Lighting for Media Arts. (3) (Prereq: MART 262) Theory and techniques for photographic and video applications and zone system of exposure control.
- 371 -- The Moving Image. (3) (Prereq: MART 210) Advanced communicative elements of moving images including editing patterns and the grammar of film and video.
- 380 -- Web Media Arts. (3) (Prereq: MART 210) An introduction to the design, development, and implementation of Web-based media, including current technologies and design issues related to the development of Web sites.
- 399 -- Independent Study. (1-6) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students.
- 490 -- Special Topics in Media Arts. (3) May be repeated once for credit.
- 495 -- Research Seminar. (3) (Prereq: junior status) Research in a selected area of media arts.
- 499 -- Internship in Media Arts. (3-6) Supervised experience in media productions and media production facilities. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students.
- 521 -- Screenwriting. (3) (Prereq: MART 110, 321) Elements of style and construction of script formats with emphasis on film and dramatic styles.
- 522 -- Writing for Corporate Media. (3) (Prereq: MART 321 or consent of instructor) Proposals, treatments, and various script formats for corporate media.
- 541 -- Advanced Audio Art. (3) (Prereq: MART 341 or consent of instructor) Advanced production skills in recording, editing, processing, synthesis. History of technology, culture, and theories of electronic sound-based art.
- 542 -- Principles of Sound Use for Media. (3) (Prereq: MART 341 or consent of instructor) Audio for media production; midi applications and synchronization methods using time code; digital audio software.
- 551 -- 16 mm. Filmmaking. (3) (Prereq: MART 210, 341, 371, or consent of instructor) Theory and practice of 16mm. film production and post-production.
- 552 -- Narrative Production. (3) (Prereq: MART 210, 371) Design, preproduction, production, postproduction, and analysis of the narrative structure.
- 553 -- Documentary Production. (3) (Prereq: MART 210, 371) Theory and practice of documentary media production.
- 561 -- Advanced Black and White Photography. (3) (Prereq: MART 262 or consent of instructor) Zone system, toning, archival processing, and advanced darkroom technique; development of personal style. Introduction to large format.
- 562 -- Advanced Photography Color Processes. (3) (Prereq: MART 262 561) Alternative and digital color processes using 35mm and large format equipment, nontraditional photo methods, and digital applications.
- 571 -- Multi-Camera Video Production. (3) (Prereq: MART 210, 341, 371, or consent of instructor) Theory and practice of studio video production, editing, and Webcasting.
- 572 -- Single Camera Video Production. (3) (Prereq: MART 210, 341, 371, or consent of instructor) Theory and practice of electronic field production and digital post-production.
- 581 -- Interactive Computer Media Arts. (3) (Prereq: MART 380 or consent of instructor) Theory and practice of the creative and development processes of fixed media--CD Rom, DVD, and kiosks.
- 590 -- Special Topics in Media Arts. (3) Selected topics in media arts. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by suffix and title.
- 583 -- Animation. (3) (Prereq: MART 210 and 371) A study of animation as a media art form. Students will create animations using traditional or digital technologies.
Studio Art (ARTS)
- 102 -- Introduction to Visual Arts Computing. (3) A foundations level course in the use of personal computers and discipline-related software as aids in visual design.
- 103 -- Fundamentals of Art. (3) Introduction to visual thinking and principles of two-dimensional design.
- 104 -- 3-Dimensional Design I. (3) Introduction to visual thinking and principles of three-dimensional design.
- 107 -- Color and Composition. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103) Color, color theory, and compositional systems.
- 108 -- 3-Dimensional Design II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 104) A further explanation of the principles of three-dimensional design.
- 111 -- Basic Drawing I. (3) Introduction to the materials and basic techniques of drawing.
- 112 -- Basic Drawing II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 111) Introduction to the materials and basic techniques of drawing.
- 210 -- Introduction to Painting. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 111, 112, or consent of instructor) An introductory course in the materials and techniques of painting.
- 215 -- Introduction to Printmaking. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 111, 112, or consent of instructor) An introductory course in printmaking with emphasis on relief processes.
- 220 -- Beginning Ceramics. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 104) An introduction to the materials and techniques of ceramics through hand-building and throwing on the wheel.
- 225 -- Introduction to Three-Dimensional Studies. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 104 or consent of instructor) An introductory course in the concepts, materials, and techniques of three-dimensional media.
- 232 -- Figure Structure I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 111, 112; or consent of instructor) The structural nature of figure, with emphasis on the translation of form in space onto a two-dimensional surface.
- 233 -- Figure Structure II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 232 or consent of instructor) Continuation of ARTS 232 with increased emphasis on anatomy.
- 235 -- Introduction to Fiber Arts. (3) An introductory course in the materials and processes of fiber arts.
- 241 -- Color for Design. (3) Color theory, systems, and applications in visual communications.
- 245 -- Graphic Design I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 102 and 103) The basics of visual communication, including formal issues, fundamental communication principles, image development, and relevant digital applications. Studio art majors and graphic design minors only.
- 246 -- Graphic Design II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 107 and 245) Continuation of ARTS 245, with the addition of typography and word/image relationships. Relevant digital applications. Studio art majors and graphic design minors only.
- 255 -- Introduction to Jewelrymaking. (3) Introduction to concepts and design of jewelry objects in a variety of metals and other materials.
- 258 -- Introduction to Crafts. (3) Traditional craft media: techniques, design, and contemporary concepts.
- 260 -- Introduction to Photography. (3) The history, theory, and aesthetics of fine arts photography and limited instruction in color slide and black and white photography.
- 261 -- Photography. (3) A thorough grounding in the technical aspects of 35mm black and white photography, and the aesthetics of the photograph as a personal artistic expression.
- 265 -- Illustration. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 111, 112, 230, or consent of instructor) Basic illustration projects emphasizing principles of visual communication, development of resource material. Composition and preparation of sketches, comprehensives, and finished illustrations in a variety of media. Traditional and contemporary styles in illustration.
- 310 -- Intermediate Painting I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 210, or consent of instructor) A further exploration of the materials and techniques of painting with emphasis on individual creative expression.
- 311 -- Intermediate Painting II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 310 or consent of instructor) A further exploration of the materials and techniques of painting with emphasis on individual creative expression.
- 315 -- Intermediate Printmaking I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 215, or consent of instructor) Intaglio and lithography techniques including the execution of original works in these media.
- 316 -- Intermediate Printmaking II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 315 or consent of instructor) Intaglio and lithography techniques including the execution of original works in these media.
- 320 -- Intermediate Ceramics I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 220) Concentration on development of throwing skills. Experimentation with clay and glaze chemistry.
- 321 -- Intermediate Ceramics II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 220) Concentration on hand-building skills. Glaze experimentation and ceramic materials will be researched.
- 325 -- Intermediate Three-Dimensional Studies I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 225 or consent of instructor) Contemporary principles in various three-dimensional media.
- 326 -- Intermediate Three-Dimensional Studies II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 325 or consent of instructor) Further study of various three-dimensional media.
- 330 -- Intermediate Drawing I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, or consent of instructor) Enhancing graphic richness in drawings with intellectual and visual perception as content.
- 331 -- Intermediate Drawing II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 330) Contemporary cultural stimuli as the content for drawing projects. Emphasis on intellectual and emotive approaches.
- 335 -- Intermediate Fiber Arts I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 235, or consent of instructor) Exploration of fiber constructions such as weaving, spinning, and feltmaking.
- 336 -- Intermediate Fiber Arts II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 335 or consent of instructor) Exploration of fiber surface design techniques such as batik, tie dye, and block printing.
- 345 -- Visual and Verbal Interaction. (3) (Prereq: Portfolio Review acceptance, ARTS 246, and ARTS 260 or 261) Intermediate level exploration of type and image in a variety of visual communication problems employing a variety of media. Graphic design majors only.
- 346 -- Series Development and Practice. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 345) Development of complex visual communication projects that involve problem-seeking and problem-solving and result in works with multiple elements. Discussion of current visual communication issues. Graphic design majors only.
- 347 -- Photographics. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 261) Creative use of contemporary photographic equipment and techniques in solving graphic design problems.
- 355 -- Intermediate Jewelrymaking I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 255 or consent of instructor) Jewelry fabrication using the centrifugal casting methods.
- 356 -- Intermediate Jewelrymaking II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 355 or consent of instructor) Jewelry fabrication using the electroforming method.
- 360 -- Intermediate Photography I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112, 260 or consent of instructor) Introduction to the zone system, studio lighting and creative darkroom techniques, black and white photography.
- 361 -- Intermediate Photography II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 360) Introduction to medium and large format black and white photography. Refinements of the zone system and archival processing and presentation.
- 399 -- Independent Study. (3-9) (Prereq: consent of instructor and department chair)
- 410 -- Advanced Painting I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 311 and 312) The student is given further opportunity to develop according to his/her own interests.
- 411 -- Advanced Painting II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 410) The student is given further opportunity to develop according to his/her own interests.
- 415 -- Advanced Printmaking I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 316) The processes and materials of making fine prints.
- 416 -- Advanced Printmaking II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 415) The processes and materials of making fine prints.
- 420 -- Advanced Ceramics I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 320, 321) Further development of throwing and hand-building skills. Introduction to kiln firing and continued glaze and clay experimentation.
- 421 -- Advanced Ceramics II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 420) Further development of throwing and hand-building skills. Continued development of kiln-firing methodology. Research in clay and glaze technology.
- 425 -- Advanced Three-Dimensional Studies I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 326) The development of fabrication skills and creative expression in various three-dimensional media.
- 426 -- Advanced Three-Dimensional Studies II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 425) Further development of fabrication skills and creative expression in various three-dimensional media.
- 430 -- Advanced Drawing I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 331) Development of a thematic approach to drawing in a series of individual and group generated artworks.
- 431 -- Advanced Drawing II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 430) Development of highly individualized content in a series of drawings.
- 435 -- Advanced Fiber Arts I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 336) Advanced study of materials and techniques of fiber arts with emphasis on individual creative expression.
- 436 -- Advanced Fiber Arts II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 435) Advanced study of materials and techniques of fiber arts with emphasis on individual creative expression.
- 445 -- Time and Sequence. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 346) Advanced visual communication projects involving time and sequencing with both visual and verbal elements using a variety of media. Graphic design majors only.
- 446 -- Structures. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 445) Advanced exploration of visual structures, both 2D and 3D, in visual communication problems. Graphic design majors only.
- 447 -- Senior Project I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 445) Individual final project in graphic design.
- 450 -- Intermedia Studio I. (3) Advanced intermedia; formal and conceptual problems associated with combining multiple forms of imaging processes.
- 451 -- Intermedia Studio II. (3) Advanced intermedia; creation of portfolio work combining multiple forms of imaging processes.
- 455 -- Advanced Jewelrymaking I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 356 or consent of instructor) Advanced problems and individual investigation in jewelrymaking techniques.
- 456 -- Advanced Jewelrymaking II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 455 or consent of instructor) Advanced problems and individual investigation in jewelrymaking techniques.
- 460 -- Advanced Photography I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 261) An introduction to color photography, theory, film, filters, and printing processes, and the aesthetics of the color print as personal artistic expression.
- 461 -- Advanced Photography II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 261, 360, 361, 460) The production of a fine arts portfolio, processed and mounted to museum standards. Theme and format to be determined by the student.
- 465 -- Advanced Illustration. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 265) Projects in advertising and editorial illustration. Further development of style, media, and technique.
- 498 -- Independent Study. (3-9 each) (Prereq: consent of instructor and department chair)
- 499 -- Independent Study. (3-9 each) (Prereq: consent of instructor and department chair)
- 500 -- Visual Meaning. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 103, 104, 111, 112 or consent of instructor) The analysis, structuring, and production of individual works of art using traditional and non-traditional approaches.
- 501 -- Art Business. (3) Business practices for the studio artist. Contracts, portfolio preparation, promotion, alternate professions, museums, galleries, copyright, and shipping will be discussed.
- 510 -- Painting I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 411 or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to painting.
- 511 -- Painting II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 510 or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to painting.
- 512 -- Introduction to Watercolor. (3) An introduction to the transparent American watercolor technique.
- 513 -- Advanced Watercolor. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 512 or consent of instructor) Advanced techniques of watercolor with emphasis on individual creative expression.
- 514 -- Workshop: Painting. (3) Advanced study in various painting problems, content varies with suffix.
- 515 -- Printmaking I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 416 or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to printmaking.
- 516 -- Printmaking II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 515 or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to printmaking.
- 517 -- History of Printmaking. (3) Technical, aesthetical, and historical study of printmaking.
- 519 -- Workshop: Printmaking. (3) Advanced investigation and analysis of various printmaking techniques. Topic varies with suffix.
- 520 -- Ceramics I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 421 or consent of instructor) Further development of a personal approach to the ceramic process, supported by an investigation of ceramic history.
- 521 -- Ceramics II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 520 or consent of instructor) Further development of a personal approach to the ceramic process, supported by an investigation of ceramic history.
- 524 -- Workshop: Ceramics. (3) Advanced investigation and analysis of problems and methods in ceramics. Topics vary with suffix.
- 525 -- Three-Dimensional Studies I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 426 or consent of instructor) Personal concepts and expressions in various three-dimensional media.
- 526 -- Three-Dimensional Studies II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 525 or consent of instructor) Personal concepts and expressions in various three-dimensional media.
- 529 -- Workshop: Three-Dimensional Studies. (3) Investigation and analysis of various three-dimensional concepts, processes, and techniques. Content varies with suffix.
- 530 -- Drawing I. (3) (Prereq: graduate standing or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to drawing with emphasis on intellectual and visual perception as content.
- 531 -- Drawing II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 530) Further development of individual drawing with emphasis on intellectual and emotive approaches.
- 532 -- Advanced Life Drawing. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 233 or consent of instructor) Human anatomy and instruction in drawing and painting the model from life in a variety of media.
- 535 -- Fiber Arts I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 436 or consent of instructor) Advanced study in the processes and materials of fiber arts.
- 536 -- Fiber Arts II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 535 or consent of instructor) Advanced study in the processes and materials of fiber arts.
- 537 -- Papermaking. (3) The art and techniques of handmade paper.
- 539 -- Workshop: Fiber Arts. (3) Advanced study in various technical aspects of fiber arts. Topic varies with suffix.
- 545 -- Internship in Graphic Design. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 346) Work experience at a visual communication place of business. Graphic design majors only.
- 546 -- Graphic Design II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 545) Advanced individual projects in graphic design.
- 555 -- Jewelrymaking I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 456, graduate standing or consent of instructor) The development of individual directions in jewelrymaking.
- 556 -- Jewelrymaking II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 555, graduate standing, or consent of instructor) The development of individual directions in jewelrymaking.
- 558 -- Crafts. (3) Contemporary applications of traditional craft media, emphasizing the design and conceptual development of works of art.
- 559 -- Workshop: Jewelrymaking. (3) Advanced study in various technical aspects of jewelrymaking. Topic varies with suffix.
- 560 -- Photography I. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 361 or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to photography.
- 561 -- Photography II. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 560 or consent of instructor) Further development of individual approaches to photography.
- 564 -- Workshop: Photography. (3) Advanced investigation and analysis of problems in photography. Topic varies with suffix.
- 570 -- Visual Arts Computing. (3) (Prereq: ARTS 102 or consent of instructor) Advanced visual arts computing techniques on using software such as Photoshop, Studio Pro, and Netscape.
- 590 -- Video Art: Theory and Practice. (3) Television as a medium; small format video systems are used in the creation of individual projects.
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