Research Professor
Allen A. Montgomery, Ph.D., Purdue University, 1967
Associate Professors
Elaine M. Frank, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1988
Hiram L. McDade, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1976
Research Associate Professor
Judith B. Martin, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1987
Assistant Professors
Tina T. Smith, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1989
Donald S. Finan, Ph.D., Indiana University, 1998
Senior Instructors
Lily Nalty, M.A., University of Texas, 1982
Danielle R. Varnedoe, M.A., University of Akron, 1979
Clinical Assistant Professors
Tamala S. Bradham, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1998
K. Todd Houston, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1999
Maria P. Houston, M.S.P., University of South Carolina, 1992
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Speech Pathology, Master of Communication Disorders, and Doctor of Philosophy. Although no undergraduate degree is offered by the department, the following courses are available for undergraduate credit with permission of the faculty.
Course Descriptions (COMD)
- 500 -- Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. (3) Human communication disorders with an overview of prevention and treatment programs.
- 501 -- Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanisms. (3) An intensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms.
- 502 -- Neurocognitive Bases of Language Behavior. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Neurocognitive bases for speech and language in the central nervous system including anatomy and physiology and theoretical constructs of language.
- 503 -- Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory and Vestibular System. (3) (Prereq: COMD 501 or permission of instructor) Detailed examination of the anatomy and physiology of the auditory and vestibular system.
- 504 -- Introduction to Speech Science and Acoustic Measurement. (3) The physical and related psychological attributes of speech. Use of electronic instruments and laboratory practices in measurement of acoustic variables. Introduction to information theory.
- 505 -- Instrumentation in Speech and Hearing Science. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Theory and use of electrical-acoustic and mechanical laboratory devices used in diagnosis and treatment of communicative disorders including teaching machines and programmed instruction. Laboratory practices and observation.
- 506 -- Introduction to Psychoacoustics. (3) Classical and modern psychophysical procedures in audition including absolute and differential sensitivity, loudness pitch, masking, and binaural listening.
- 507 -- Language Theory and Phonetics. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Study of language theory and international phonetics alphabet transcription.
- 520 -- Principles of Speech Pathology. (3) Types of communicative abnormalities exhibited by children and adults; emphasis given to speech and hearing defects encountered by the classroom teacher and professional personnel in the field of health, rehabilitation, and welfare.
- 521 -- Introduction to Clinical Procedures in Speech Pathology. (1) (Prereq: introduction to phonetics or equivalent or permission of instructor) Diagnostic and therapeutic programs for the communicatively handicapped will be observed in the public school and various rehabilitative settings. Discussion and study of basic therapeutic theories and procedures utilized in speech therapy.
- 523 -- Speech and Language Problems of the Developmentally Disabled. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Neurological and psycholinguistic factors in the diagnosis of language impairment and therapy procedures for language disorders of the developmentally handicapped.
- 524 -- Speech Therapy in the Public Schools: Modern Developments and Experimental Programs. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Review of various approaches to public school speech therapy programs; the clinical approach; the individual versus group therapy programs; utilization of the block system; special administrative problems and current experimental programs in diagnosis and treatment of the speech defective school child.
- 525 -- Selected Topics. (1-3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Presentation of current experimental or innovative programs in diagnosis and treatment of the communicatively impaired. Course is designed to update the practicing clinician in specific areas of expertise. May be repeated for credit. Individual topics to be announced with suffix and title.
- 526 -- Disorders of Articulation: Evaluation and Therapy. (3) The diagnosis and treatment of articulation problems in children and adults, including analysis of current research in testing and therapy for articulation disorders.
- 540 -- Principles of Audiology. (3) Basic anatomy and psycho-physics of hearing, the pathologies of hearing loss, introduction to identification procedures including organization of hearing conservation programs and practice in pure-tone audiometry, and impact of hearing loss on preschool and school-age children and educational, psychological, and medical aspects of habilitation.
- 541 -- Industrial Audiology. (1) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Hearing loss due to noise exposures, present noise standards, management considerations, noise surveys, personal protection, engineering controls, and audiological hearing conservation programs.
- 570 -- Introduction to Language Development. {=LING 570} (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) The language acquisition process in normal children, including the development of semantics, morphology, syntax, phonology, and pragmatics; American dialects and bilingualism.
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