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undergraduate bulletin index

Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior

Ken W. Watkins, Interim Chair

Donna L. Richter, Ed.D., University of South Carolina, 1988
Robert F. Valois, Ph.D., University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1984

Associate Professor
Ruth P. Saunders, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1986

Assistant Professors
Kristine Stouffer Calderon, Ph.D., University of Florida, 2000
Alexandra E. Evans, Ph.D., University of Texas, 1997
Kathryn J. Luchok, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1993
Deborah M. Parra-Medina, Ph.D., San Diego State University, 1998
Stuart L. Usdan, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2000

Kenneth W. Watkins, Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1999

Clinical Assistant Professor
Albert A. Neal, Ed.D., University of South Carolina, 1988

Professor Emeritus
Roger G. Sargent, Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1970
Murray L. Vincent, Ed.D., Temple University, 1967

Course Descriptions (HPEB)

  • 101 -- Introduction to Health Education. (3) The historical and philosophical bases, current problems, career opportunities, and literature in the health education professions.
  • 301 -- Practicum in Health Education. (1-9) Practical experience in applying health education principles in the community, clinic, or worksite.
  • 321 -- Personal and Community Health. (3) Principles of personal hygiene: physiological systems of the body with emphasis on nutrition, physical fitness, stress control, consumer health, sexuality, and self-care skills.
  • 331 -- Health Education for the Elementary School. (3) Methods and materials for elementary schools. Integration and correlation of materials with school subjects. Sample content developed for primary, intermediate, and upper grades.
  • 333 -- Sanitation and Environmental Health. (3) Principles of general sanitation and the scientific bases for their control and correction. New problems in today's environment; prospects for the future. Factors affecting pollution levels as they relate to human existence.
  • 335 -- First Aid and Emergency Preparedness. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Emphasis upon preparing school personnel to act responsibly in emergency situations. (Includes the American National Red Cross standard and advanced first aid instruction.)
  • 380 -- Driver and Traffic Safety. (3) (Prereq: a valid state driver's license and upper-division standing) A critical analysis of the traffic accident problem, traffic accidents, knowledge, attitudes, and skill factors essential for safe and efficient motor vehicle operation. Includes laboratory experiences in simulators, on the multiple car range, and in a dual control car for developing driving skills. (Offered for students preparing to teach drivers' education.)
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (1-3) Open to sophomores and above. Enrollment and topic to be approved in advance by advisor and instructor.
  • 434 -- Health Education. (3) (Prereq: HPEB 221, 223, and 224) Methods of teaching health in school and community settings; techniques and strategies.
  • 468 -- Safety and Safety Education. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Place of safety in modern life. Contributing factors to accidents, developing an awareness of the potential accident situation with special emphasis upon school setting, planning for and conduct of a safety education program.
  • 501 -- Family Life and Sex Education Programs. (3) (Prereq: senior or graduate level standing or consent of instructor) Family life and sex education instruction in health education programs: issues, content, and methods.
  • 502 -- Applied Aspects of Human Nutrition. (3) (Prereq: BIOL 120 or equivalent, CHEM 101 or equivalent, or consent of instructor) Nutrition and basic biological needs of man, metabolic mechanisms, and energy requirements; nutritional requirements as related to health education programs.
  • 511 -- Health Problems in a Changing Society. (3) Current and emerging health problems in society: causes, effects, and prevention.
  • 513 -- U.S. Ethnic Minorities and Health. (3) Health and health related behaviors of U.S. ethnic groups (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans) are examined in light of the potential contributions of health promotion and education.
  • 521 -- The Total School Health Program. (3) (Prereq: HPEB 331 or 434, or consent of instructor) A course designed to acquaint the student with the various facets of the modern school health program. Includes school responsibilities for health and safety instruction, school health services, school environmental health problems, school and community relationships, resources for health, and evaluation of programs.
  • 540 -- Drug Education. {=PHAR 522, PHRM 626} (3) (Prereq: HPEB 223 or 224 or consent of instructor) Nature of drug actions, motivational factors that influence the use of drugs, and evaluation of procedures to provide effective drug education.
  • 547 -- Consumer Health in Contemporary Society. (3) An analysis and appraisal of issues related to the production and distribution of products and services as these activities affect consumer health.
  • 550 -- Behavioral Concepts and Processes for the Health Professional. (3) The development of interpersonal skills in dealing with health clients in various settings.
  • 551 -- Medical Anthropology: Field Work. {=ANTH 551} (3) Application of observation techniques, field notes, informant interviewing, and secondary data analysis to interpreting differential perceptions of health problem solving in the community and clinic.
  • 552 -- Medical Anthropology. {=ANTH 552} (3) Socio-cultural factors in health, illness, healing, and in medical systems. Cross-cultural and ethnographic evidence for public health research and program applications.
  • 553 -- Community Health Problems. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Identification and analysis of major community health problems, their causes, the roles of individuals, community agencies, and government in affecting their solutions. Emphasis upon personal involvement and the responsibility for community health.
  • 558 -- The Teaching of Driver and Traffic Study Education. (3) (Prereq: HPEB 380) Organization, administration, specialized information, and techniques essential to the teaching of driver education in the high schools. Includes laboratory teaching experiences (for giving instruction) in simulators, on the multiple-car driving range and in a dual control car.
  • 581 -- The Teaching of Driver and Traffic Safety Education. (3) (Prereq: HPEB 380) Organization, administration, specialized information, and techniques essential to the teaching of driver education in the high schools. Includes laboratory teaching experiences (for giving instruction) in simulators, on the multiple car driving range, and in a dual control car.
  • 582 -- Driving Simulation and Driving Range Education. (3) (Prereq: HPEB 380) Study and review of operation, maintenance, and techniques of teaching with driving simulators and multiple-car driving ranges. Includes laboratory experiences.
  • 583 -- Teaching of Motorcycle Education. (1) (Prereq: HPEB 380, 468 or permission of instructor) Learning experiences needed to prepare the traffic educator to teach the novice rider to operate a motorcycle in a safe and efficient manner. Classroom and laboratory experiences provide practical experience in working with the novice motorcycle operator.
  • 621 -- Maternal-Child Health Education. (3) Application of health education and behavioral sciences theory and methods.
  • 631 -- Health Promotion for Elementary and Middle School Teachers. (3) A multimedia course emphasizing health education strategies for major S.C. health problems, risk factors, and concepts of positive health behavior.
  • 654 -- Maternal and Child Nutrition. (3) A survey of current concepts in clinical and public health nutrition which are unique to infants, children, and pregnant and lactating women.
  • 680 -- Laboratory Techniques in Physiological Measurement. (3) Practical laboratory skills and theoretical bases of measurements in human physiology; bioelectrical potentials, respiratory physiology, energy expenditure, body composition, temperature regulation, and biochemical assays.
  • 684 -- HIV/AIDS Education: Principles and Practices. (3) The role of education in preventing the spread of HIV+ infection and AIDS, including evaluation of existing educational materials and development of educational interventions for target populations.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3, to be designated at registration) Topics to be assigned and approved by advisor and department head.

School of Public Health