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UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA 2003-2004 Undergraduate bulletin
undergraduate bulletin index

Course Descriptions

Completion of a minimum of 27 hours of academic work is prerequisite to enrollment in any 300-level or higher-level course in the College of Education.

Education Courses

Education (EDUC): Core Courses of the Education Minor

  • 300 -- Schools In Communities. (3) (Prereq: sophomore standing) Social, political, and historical aspects of diverse educational institutions in American culture with an emphasis on families, schools, and communities.
  • 400 -- Learning Through Community Service. (1) (Coreq: EDUC 300) Documentation and synthesis of community service activities designed to prepare professional educators.

Note: Some community agencies may require SLED and FBI checks and fees for same.

  • 401 -- Learners and the Diversity of Learning. (3) (Prereq: EDUC 300, 400; coreq: EDUC 401P) Lifespan development and learning with an emphasis on individual and group diversity.
  • 401P -- Practicum: Learners and the Diversity of Learning. (1) (Prereq: EDUC 300; coreq: EDUC 401) Field experience integrated with course on lifespan development and learning with an emphasis on individual and group diversity.
  • 402 -- Teachers and Teaching. (3) (Prereq: EDUC 300, 400, 401, and 401P; coreq: EDUC 402P) Teaching as reflective and ethical practice. Professional standards, teacher leadership and school change, and various roles of professional educators.
  • 402P -- Practicum: Teachers and Teaching. (1) (Coreq: EDUC 402) Seminar and field experiences related to professional teachers and teaching in a variety of settings.
  • 632 -- Field Problems in Education I. (1, 2, or 3 each) Selected educational problems will be identified and explored, and probable solutions developed. Emphasis will be on providing practicing school personnel an opportunity to work cooperatively, under supervision, toward solutions to those problems which are of immediate concern to them. Activities will include seminars, review of literature, observations, case studies, materials development, and other applicable approaches. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a comprehensive proposal designed to alleviate or solve the problems identified.
  • 633 -- Field Problems in Education II. (1, 2, or 3 each) Selected educational problems will be identified and explored, and probable solutions developed. Emphasis will be on providing practicing school personnel an opportunity to work cooperatively, under supervision, toward solutions to those problems which are of immediate concern to them. Activities will include seminars, review of literature, observations, case studies, materials development, and other applicable approaches. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a comprehensive proposal designed to alleviate or solve the problems identified.
  • 634 -- Field Problems in Education III. (1, 2, or 3 each) Selected educational problems will be identified and explored, and probable solutions developed. Emphasis will be on providing practicing school personnel an opportunity to work cooperatively, under supervision, toward solutions to those problems which are of immediate concern to them. Activities will include seminars, review of literature, observations, case studies, materials development, and other applicable approaches. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a comprehensive proposal designed to alleviate or solve the problems identified.
  • 635 -- Field Problems in Education IV. (1, 2, or 3 each) Selected educational problems will be identified and explored, and probable solutions developed. Emphasis will be on providing practicing school personnel an opportunity to work cooperatively, under supervision, toward solutions to those problems which are of immediate concern to them. Activities will include seminars, review of literature, observations, case studies, materials development, and other applicable approaches. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a comprehensive proposal designed to alleviate or solve the problems identified.

Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)

  • 110--Introduction to Careers in Education. (3) An individualized survey of careers in education, utilizing practica, seminars, and input from various disciplines to focus on personal and professional development. Pass-Fail credit.
  • 399--Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 446--Secondary School Curriculum. (3) The organization, historical context, foundations for curriculum development, process of curriculum planning, design of the curriculum, and strategy of curriculum change in the secondary school. A laboratory experience in teaching media is included. Open only to juniors and seniors or graduates completing licensure requirements.

Higher Education (EDHE)

  • 569 -- Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Work. (1, 2, or 3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) The course is designed to provide opportunities for the study of special topics in counseling and personnel work.

Educational Leadership (EDLP)

  • 520 -- The Teacher as Manager. (3) To help teachers, principals, and other personnel solve school problems by identifying and applying selected management techniques.
  • 525 -- Resources for Teaching and Learning. (3) An introduction to educational technology, its increasing importance in the total school program, and its relationship to learning theories and communication.
  • 530 -- Workshop in Aviation Education. (3) A general orientation to aviation and its related fields. Emphasis on ways of introducing aviation into the classroom, the use of aviation as motivation for projects, and preparation for teaching a course in aviation education.
  • 555 -- Resources for Teaching and Learning. (3) An introduction to educational technology; its increasing importance in the total school program and its relationship to learning theories and communication. Emphasis will be placed upon a practical survey of media and materials as they facilitate the teaching-learning process.
  • 601 -- The Effective Teacher. (3) Use of theory and research to understand and improve classroom teaching. Emphasis on teacher reflection and decision-making. The administrative role in enhancing effectiveness is highlighted.
  • 625 -- The School Curriculum. (3) An introduction to current and promising designs and approaches to curriculum development from grades K-12.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Department of Educational Psychology

Counselor Education (EDCE)

  • 502 -- Guidance Techniques for Classroom Teachers. (3)
  • 503 -- Family Guidance. (3) Effective techniques for childrearing.
  • 507 -- Educators in Industry. (3) The course is designed to provide counselors, teachers, and administrators with increased awareness of a wide variety of work experiences.
  • 510 -- Introduction to Counseling. (3) (Prereq: senior or graduate standing)
  • 555 -- Theory and Practice of College Mentoring. (3) (Prereq: Upper division undergraduate standing or admission to a graduate program and consent of instructors) Emphasis on current professional approaches to college mentoring and development of leadership and mentoring skills. Students must participate in Minority Assistance Program.
  • 570 -- Problems in Counseling and Personnel Work. (1-3) (Prereq: consent of instructor)
  • 600 -- Communications Skills in Counseling. (3) Human relations principles applied to the counseling interview.
  • 601 -- Group Procedures in Counseling. (3) (Prereq: completion of or current enrollment in EDCE 600)
  • 650 -- Counseling Student Athletes. {=PEDU 660} (3) Issues facing student athletes regarding their personal and career development beyond athletics.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Instructional Technology (EDIT)

  • 230 -- The Art of Media Instruction. (3) A survey of the techniques involved in the preparation of a wide variety of media formats produced for instructional purposes, as well as an examination of the technology of delivery systems ranging from audio cassettes to full-scale television production.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Educational Psychology (EDPY)

  • 333 -- Introduction to Child Growth and Development. (3) Basic course designed to familiarize the prospective teacher with the patterns of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of the individual. Development of these growth patterns from the prenatal stage to the onset of adolescence.
  • 334 -- Introduction to Adolescent Growth and Development. (3) Basic course designed to familiarize the prospective junior and senior high school teacher with the pattern of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of the individual during his adolescent years. Recommendation of the advisor(s) required.
  • 335 -- Introduction to Educational Psychology. (3) Applications of the psychology of learning and development. Special attention to basic statistics and the behavior of the school child.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (3-15)

Special Education (EDEX)

  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 491 -- Introduction to Inclusion ofStudents with Mild Disabilities. (2) Inclusion strategies and accommodation planning for students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms.
  • 523 -- Introduction to Exceptional Children. (3) Overview of the field of education for exceptional children. Basic course for those entering the field of special education.
  • 525 -- The Nature of Orthopedic and Special Health Problems. (3) Symptomatology, behavioral manifestations, and resources for care and treatment of orthopedic conditions and other types of health problems in children and youth.
  • 530 -- Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education. (3) An overview of early childhood special education for young children with disabilities and their families.
  • 531 -- Specific Learning Disabilities of School Children. {=PSYC 529} (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528 or consent of instructor) Children with average/above average intelligence and specific learning impairments; diagnostic and remedial techniques. (Given jointly by the College of Education and the Department of Psychology.)
  • 540 -- Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or PSYC 518 or consent of instructor) Types and characteristics of the gifted and talented.
  • 580 -- Reading Instruction for Execptional Learners: Theory and Application. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523) A study of the skills and knowledge required to implement direct instruction procedures when teaching reading, with opportunity for application of skills. Research and theoritical foundations will also be evaluated.
  • 604 -- Interdisciplinary Study of Developmental Disabilities. {=CRJU 604, EDRH 604, NURS 604, EXSC 604} (3) (Prereq: senior standing) Understanding the developmentally disabled: mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, dyslexia, and other handicapping conditions. Prior course work in related disciplines strongly recommended.
  • 610 -- Systematic Instruction of Students with Moderate, Severe, or Profound Disabilities. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528 or consent of instructor) Data-based instruction for teaching students with significant disabilities: task and developmental analysis, individualizing instruction, and preparing and implementing instructional programs.
  • 615 -- Curriculum for Students with Moderate, Severe, or Profound Disabilities. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528 or consent of instructor) Design, development, adaptation, and implementation of curriculum for students with significant disabilities.
  • 616 -- Educational Procedures for Specific Learning Disabilities. (3) (Prereq: PSYC 529 or equivalent, or permission of instructor) Theory and application of current remedial procedures for children with specific learning disabilities: motor therapy, visual training, multi-sensory techniques, behavior modification, prescriptive teaching. Alternative administrative arrangements for the education of learning-disabled children; sources of materials for academic therapy.
  • 619 -- The Psychology of Mental Retardation. {=PSYC 524} (3) (Prereq: a course in the areas of child psychology or child development) Nature and causes of mental retardation, behavior, and potentialities of persons with mental retardation.
  • 625 -- Educational Procedures for the Orthopedically Handicapped. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 and EDEX 525) Methodology, curriculum materials, and procedures for teaching basic skills.
  • 630 -- Educational Procedures for Early Childhood Special Education. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 530 or consent of instructor) An initial course in educational procedures focusing on intervention strategies for serving young children with disabilities in inclusive environments.
  • 632 -- Nature of Emotionally Handicapped Students. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528 or consent of instructor) Characteristics, etiology, and major theoretical models for children experiencing emotional and/or behavioral problems in school; special education curriculum, programming alternatives, assessment, and issues concerning this population.
  • 640 -- Managing Problem Behavior in the Classroom. (3) The development of a workable approach to classroom management through an examination of a research-based synthesis of current knowledge in classroom and behavior management.
  • 682 -- Introduction to Braille. (3) Basic course for mastery of the literary braille code. Transcription of instructional materials in literary braille.
  • 685 -- Nature of the Visually Handicapped. (3) The psychological, social, and educational implications of visual handicaps; definitions, incidence, characteristics of, and rehabilitative and educational programs for the visually handicapped.
  • 686 -- Introduction to Deafness. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or equivalent or consent of instructor) Educational implications of philosophy, theory, and research about deafness.
  • 687 -- Manual Communication for the Hearing Handicapped. (3) Knowledge and basic skills of finger-spelling and sign forms for communication.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)
  • 691 -- Inclusion: Co-Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities. (3) (Prereq: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528 or consent of instructor) Collaborative and co-teaching strategies for teaching students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms.

Foundations of Education (EDFN)

  • 321 -- Dynamics of American Public Education. (3) (Prereq: junior or higher standing) Extensive treatment of the social, political, economic, and philosophical influences that have shaped public education. Analysis of the financial, organizational, and legal aspects of education. Library assignments provide a working knowledge of professional standard references and journals.
  • 350 -- Antiracist Education. {=AFRO 350} (3) Basic concepts, issues, and practices of antiracist education. Topics include individual and institutional racism, overt and covert racism, curriculum, textbooks, power relationships, teacher-student relationships, and race and class.
  • 357 -- Sociology of Education. {=SOCY 357} (3) Analysis of educational institutions, organizations, processes, and their effects in contemporary society.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 592 -- Historical Foundations of American Educational Thought. (3) A survey of the history, philosophy, administration, and legal bases of American education.
  • 643 -- Southern Educational History. (3) Development of educational institutions in Southern society with special attention given to South Carolina.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Research and Measurement in Education (EDRM)

  • 423 -- Introduction to Classroom Assessment. (2) Development of assessments for different content areas and grade levels, and processes for making decisions based on assessment results.
  • 520--Introduction to Testing and Evaluation. (3) The construction and use of teacher-made tests; descriptive statistics, measurement error, norms, and interpretation of scores; types of standardized instruments for use in elementary and secondary schools.
  • 690--Independent Study. (1-3)

Department of Instruction and Teacher Education

Early Childhood Education (EDEC)

  • 201 -- Inquiry into Early Childhood Education. (3) Inquiry into the roles, programs, history, and culture trends in early childhood education.
  • 250 -- Play and Early Learning. (3) Theory and practice related to children's play and early learning in family, community, and educational settings.
  • 340 -- The Young Child: Development, Care, and Education (Birth to 3 Years). (3) (Coreq: EDEC 340P) Infants' and toddlers' development and care from an ecological perspective. Assessment of children in various settings is emphasized.
  • 340P -- The Young Child: Development, Care, and Education (Birth to 3 Years) Practicum. (1) (Coreq: EDEC 340) Practicum in infants' and toddlers' development and care observed and assessed from an ecological perspective. Includes service learning.
  • 342 -- The Young Child: Development, Care, and Education (3-8 Years). (4) (Prereq: EDEC 340 and 340P; coreq: EDEC 342P) Development of young children and its relationship to appropriate practice and curriculum with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and social studies.
  • 342P -- The Young Child: Development, Care, and Education (3-8 Years) Practicum. (2) (Prereq: EDEC 340 and 340P; coreq: EDEC 342) Practicum in development, assessment, and education of young children with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and social studies.
  • 442 -- Studies in Integrated Curriculum: Math, Science, Social Studies, and Fine Arts. (4) (Prereq: admission to internship in early childhood education; coreq: EDEC 443) Pedagogy of developmentally and culturally appropriate content and pedagogy in mathematics, science, social studies, and fine arts for young children through grade 3.
  • 443 -- Internship in Integrated Curriculum: Math, Science, Social Studies, and Fine Arts. (2) (Prereq: admission to internship in early childhood education; coreq: EDEC 442) Internship in developmentally and culturally appropriate content and pedagogy in mathematics, science, social studies, and fine arts for young children through grade 3.
  • 447 -- Community of Learners in Early Childhood Classroom. (2) Methods of building a community of learners including child guidance and group management that foster the development of self-control and learning.
  • 591 -- Seminar on Teaching in Early Childhood. (3) (Prereq: admission to internship in early childhood education; coreq: EDTE 590A, B, and C) Exploration of the principles and theories about teaching and learning as they apply to early childhood education in the context of schools in democratic societies.
  • 540 -- The Young Child: Behavior and Development in Early Childhood. (3) Service-learning and seminar experiences addressing intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development, prenatal through grade three, within an ecological context. Child's critical thinking, creative expression, and diagnosis/assessment emphasized.
  • 541 -- Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum I. (3) (Prereq: EDEC 310, EDUC 402; coreq: EDEC 542, EDEC 544) Integration of content areas within the curriculum emphasizing mathematics and the sciences. Learning activities, materials, and equipment. Multicultural influences and needs of exceptional children addressed.
  • 542 -- Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum II. (3) (Coreq: EDEC 541, 544) Integration of content areas within curriculum emphasizing language arts, reading, and fine arts. Learning activities, materials, equipment. Multicultural influences and needs of exceptional children addressed.
  • 544 -- Language Development and Communicative Skills. (3) (Coreq: EDEC 541, EDEC 542) The course deals generally with the relationship of language development and thinking to teaching the communicative skills to young children. Specific areas covered are activities designed to develop oral language facility, writing (handwriting, spelling, functional, and creative writing), and listening. Also specific techniques dealing with diagnosis of language development will be handled.
  • 546 -- Education of Young Children: An Ecological Approach. (3) (Coreq: EDEC 469) An ecological study with emphasis on home-school relations, parent involvement, and community resources. Multicultural perspectives and needs of exceptional children addressed.
  • 547 -- Field Problems: Teaching Mathematics Using Manipulative Materials, Grades K-3. (3) Instructional approaches and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics, grades K-3.
  • 608 -- Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education. (3) Analysis of programs and practices for involving parents in early childhood educational settings. Emphasizes objectives, methods, techniques, and materials for program development. Community resources for supporting programs for children in various instructional settings.
  • 610 -- Parent/Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education. (3) Principles, practices, and content of family dynamics, including practicum/service learning.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Middle Level Education (EDML)

  • 553 -- Methods and Materials for Teaching Science in the Middle Grades. (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction appropriate to science teaching in the middle school.
  • 563 -- Methods and Materials for Teaching Social Studies in the Middle School. (3) A study of goals, content, methods, and materials of instruction in middle school social studies.
  • 573 -- Methods and Materials for Teaching English/Language Arts in the Middle Grades. (3) Introduces goals, content, and methods of teaching language arts at the middle level.
  • 583 -- Methods and Materials for Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades. (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction appropriate to mathematics teaching in the middle school.
  • 598 -- Internship A in the Middle School. (3) (Prereq: admission to internship in middle level program) Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students.
  • 599 -- Internship B in the Middle School. (12) (Prereq: EDML 598 with grade of B or better; coreq: EDSE 584) Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students.

Elementary Education (EDEL)

  • 101 -- Introduction to Careers in Education. (2) A survey of professional issues and concerns in education.
  • 101P -- Practicum in Careers in Education. (1) (Prereq or coreq: EDEL 101) Seminars and visits to schools and classrooms.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 405P -- Practicum in Elementary Education. (1) (Prereq: EDEL 301) Sequence of supervised field experiences in an assigned school setting.
  • 440 -- Elementary Mathematics Instruction. (3) (Prereq: Admission to the professional program; coreq: EDEL 441P) Approaches, materials, and methods for teaching mathematics in elementary grades.
  • 441P -- Elementary School Practicum. (3) (Prereq: admission to the professional program; coreq: EDRD 430, EDEL 440) Field experience requiring students to gradually assume the responsibilities of teaching in an assigned classroom under the guidance of an experienced teacher.
  • 450 -- Elementary Science Instruction. (3) (Prereq: admission to the professional program) Instructional approaches and methods for teaching science in elementary grades.
  • 451 -- Organization and Curriculum of the Middle School. (3) History, purposes, and organization of the middle school.
  • 452 -- Methods and Materials in the Middle School. (3) Methods and materials used in teaching at the middle school level.
  • 460 -- Elementary Social Studies Instruction. (3) (Prereq: admission to the professional program) Instructional approaches, materials, and methods for teaching social studies in elementary grades.
  • 470 -- Directed Teaching in the Elementary and/or Middle Schools. (12) (Prereq: admission to professional teacher certification program and completion of the elementary education core and EDRD 420) Teaching and related experiences, including seminars and workshops.
  • 501 -- Seminar in Elementary School Curriculum and Organization. (3) (Prereq or coreq: EDEL 470) School program, grouping, grading, placement, and organization for instruction.
  • 505 -- Nature and Management of Elementary Classrooms. (3) (Prereq: EDUC 402, 402P, EDTE 201; coreq: EDEL 505P) The learning environment to include diversity of students, instructional materials, classroom management, and communication patterns.
  • 505P -- Inquiry Practicum: The Elementary School. (1) (Coreq: EDEL 505) Identifying and understanding the various components of the elementary environment through the practice of inquiry through field-based experiences.
  • 506 -- Integrated Curriculum in Elementary Schools. (3) (Prereq: admission to internship elementary education; coreq: EDEL 450, 460, and 571 and EDTE 570) Examining and practicing a variety of approaches that connect the content of different elementary school subjects.
  • 506P -- Inquiry Practicum: Roles of Elementary Teachers. (1) (Coreq: EDEL 506) Identifying and understanding the roles of elementary teachers through the practice of inquiry through field-based experiences.
  • 510 -- Teaching Second Languages to Young Children. {=FORL 510} (3) (Prereq: 201 level of a foreign language or its equivalent) To assist prospective teachers of young children in the development of a second language and multicultural learning activities. Practicum sessions are an integral part.
  • 515 -- Science in the Elementary School. (3) Reinforces the science background of prospective and practicing elementary teachers. Innovations are examined. Emphasis is placed on methods, materials, community resources, and evaluation procedures.
  • 520 -- New Approaches to Teach the Basics. (3) Application of the concepts and techniques presented for teaching the basic skills of communication, computation, and analysis.
  • 540 -- Teaching Problem-Solving, Geometry, and Measurement in the Elementary School. (3) (Prereq: MATH 501 or its equivalent) Problem solving, measurement, and geometry in the school mathematics curriculum; identification of concepts and skills to be taught, teaching methodology.
  • 544 -- Modern Approaches to Mathematics Teaching. (3) Curriculum and pedagogy for mathematics topics taught in grades 3 through 8.
  • 548 -- Field Problems: Teaching Mathematics Using Manipulative Materials, Grades 4-6. (3) Instructional approaches and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics, grades 4-6. This course cannot be applied to a graduate degree in the elementary education program.
  • 560 -- Social Studies in the Elementary/Middle School. (3) Fundamentals of social studies education in the elementary/middle school.
  • 571 -- Internship in Planning and Motivation. (3) (Prereq: Admission to the internship in elementary education; coreq: EDEL 450 and 460) Field experience that emphasizes planning lessons that actively engage students in learning.
  • 591 -- Seminar on Teaching. (3) (Prereq: Admission to Internship in Elementary Education; coreq: EDTE 590A, B, and C) Exploration of the principles and theories about teaching and learning as they apply to the field of practice in the context of schools in democratic societies.
  • 642 -- Teaching Mathematics to Young Children. (3) Analysis of a developmental approach to teaching children under the age of 9.
  • 645 -- Diagnostic Teaching of Arithmetic. (3) Analysis of the concepts and skills of arithmetic in the school mathematics curriculum; exploration of diagnostic-prescriptive teaching methods.
  • 670 -- Language Arts in the Elementary School. (3) Content, goals, and methods of teaching language arts in the elementary schools. Emphasis on the teaching of oral and written expression and listening.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Reading Education (EDRD)

  • 345 -- Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Education I. (3) Introductory examination of key concepts in language and literacy theory (birth through age 8) and implications for educators.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 421 -- Diagnostic-Prescriptive Teaching of Reading. (3) (Prereq: EDRD 420) Causes of reading difficulty; diagnostic methods and procedures; prescriptive techniques and materials. Practical application.
  • 430 -- Elementary Literacy Instruction I. (5) (Prereq: admission to the B.A. program in elementary education, children's literature course) Examination and implementation of the key concepts, content, goals, and strategies in teaching reading and the language arts in the elementary school.
  • 431 -- Reading Assessment. (2) (Prereq: admission to the professional program) Seminar and supervised one-on-one field experience focused on reading assessment of and instruction for individual children and groups of children.
  • 445 -- Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Education II. (4) (Prereq: admission to internship in early childhood education and EDRD 345; coreq: EDRD 446) Examination of key concepts in early literacy and implications for early childhood educators, pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade.
  • 446 -- Internship in Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Education. (2) (Prereq: admission to internship in early childhood education; coreq: EDRD 445) Internship experience through which key concepts in language and early literacy are practiced in early childhood classrooms.
  • 500 -- Teaching Reading in Allied Subject Areas K-12. (1) (Coreq: student teaching) The identification of children with reading needs in allied subject areas (music, art, physical education, health) and development of instructional strategies to meet those needs.
  • 511 -- Teaching Reading to Adults I. (3) Diagnostic and prescriptive modes of teaching reading to adults, based on the physical, psychological, intellectual, and social characteristics of the adult learner.
  • 512 -- Teaching Reading to Adults II. (3) (Prereq: EDCO 511 or EDRD 511) Preparation of materials for teaching basic reading skills to adults and practicum experiences in teaching adults to read.
  • 514 -- Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School. (3) Study of the various phases of reading in their relation to a modern program of education and the place of reading in the curriculum. Emphasis on modern practices in the classroom teaching of reading.
  • 518 -- Reading in the Secondary School. (3) The place of reading instruction in high schools, the programming of special services in reading instruction, methods of teaching basic and developmental reading skills, and case studies of programs. Demonstrations of tests and devices.
  • 600 -- Foundations of Reading Instruction. (3) (Prereq: a prior course in the teaching of reading) Reading and its curriculum implications: grades K-12 and adults. Current trends and issues.
  • 650 -- Teaching Reading Through A Literature Emphasis. (3) (Prereq: EDRD 514, 518 or permission of instructor) Integrating appropriate literature into traditional and alternative reading programs. Identifying appropriate literature for classroom use and recreational reading. Use of literature as a means of developing and reinforcing reading skills.
  • 651 -- Introduction to Teaching Media Literacy. (3) A survey of analysis of electronic and non-print media themes and messages aimed at youth, with special emphasis on design and implementation of curricula for enhancing children's media literacy.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Secondary Education (EDSE)

  • 110 -- Introduction to Careers in Education. (3) An individualized survey of careers in education, utilizing practica, seminars, and input from various disciplines to focus on personal and professional development. Pass-fail credit.
  • 111 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 210 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 211 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 310 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 311 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 312 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 410 -- Practicum in Education. (1) A sequence of supervised practica in various educational settings. Seminars and group discussions included.
  • 446 -- Secondary School Curriculum. (3) The organization, historical context, foundations for curriculum development, process of curriculum planning, design of the curriculum, and strategy of curriculum change in the secondary school. A laboratory experience in teaching media is included. Open only to juniors and seniors or graduates completing certification requirements.
  • 448 -- Teaching in High School (Foreign Languages). (3) (Prereq or coreq: EDSE 311 or equivalent)
  • 471 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Art Education). (12)
  • 472 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Business Education). (12)
  • 473 -- Directed Teaching in High School (English). (12)
  • 474 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Foreign Languages). (12)
  • 475 -- Directed Teaching in High School (History and Social Studies). (12)
  • 477 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Music Education). (12)
  • 480 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Distributive Education). (12)
  • 481 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Science). (12)
  • 482 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Health). (12)
  • 483 -- Directed Teaching in High School (Theatre and Speech). (12)
  • 484 -- Secondary Student Teaching Seminar. (3) Classroom management, discipline, legal responsibilities, multicultural perspectives, and needs of exceptional children.
  • 505 -- Source Materials for Geographic Instruction. {=GEOG 560} (3) Introduction to selected materials available for all levels of instruction in geography. Emphasis on the substantive nature of the materials.
  • 508 -- Teaching Middle and High School (Business Education). {=AIME 508} (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school business education.
  • 528 -- Study of the Teaching of Business Education in the Secondary School. {=OADM 528} (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) Teaching techniques and methodology related to the business education curriculum, emerging technology and software.
  • 547 -- Teaching Middle and High School (English). (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school English.
  • 548 -- Earth Science for Teachers I. {=GEOL 540} (3) Origin, internal structure and internal processes of the earth, including plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building. Required field trips, two lectures, and three lab hours per week. Cannot be used in M.S. or Ph.D. programs in geology.
  • 549 -- Earth Science for Teachers II. {=GEOL 541} (3) (Prereq: EDSE 548/GEOL 540) Surface processes acting on the earth; introduction to weather and climate, weathering, erosion, and sedimentary processes; land form evolution; ocean currents and tides, near-shore geologic processes. Required field trips, two lecture, and three lab hours per week. Cannot be used in M.S. or Ph.D. programs in geology.
  • 550 -- Teaching Middle and High School (Mathematics). (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school mathematics.
  • 551 -- Teaching Middle and High School (Health). (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school health.
  • 552 -- Teaching Middle and High School (Marketing Education). (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school marketing education.
  • 553 -- Teaching Middle and High School (Science). (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school science.
  • 554 -- Teaching Middle and High School (Theatre and Speech). (3) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school theatre and speech.
  • 556 -- Innovations in Biology Teaching. (3) (Prereq: 18 hours of biology) Audio-tutorial, computer assisted instruction, closed-circuit TV, and other innovative techniques available for teaching biological concepts are presented and discussed. Programming procedures, logistical problems, cost analysis, and equipment improvisation are included. Three lecture hours per week.
  • 558 -- Teaching Middle and High School (History and Social Studies). (3) (Prereq: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education; coreq: EDSE 775A) A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school history and social studies.
  • 575 -- Teaching Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools. {=FORL 511} (3) Current methods, techniques, and materials of instruction appropriate for secondary schools.
  • 580 -- Teaching Advanced Latin in Secondary School. {=LATN 580} (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Methods and materials for teaching the Latin Advanced Placement courses in secondary school.
  • 584 -- Middle and High School Internship Seminar. (3) (Coreq: internship II) Classroom management, service learning, legal/professional responsibilities, multicultural perspectives and needs of exceptional children.
  • 660 -- Teaching Mathematics with Manipulatives, Grades 7-12. (3) Methods and materials for using manipulative devices to teach middle and high school level mathematics.
  • 670 -- Graphics Calculators in High School Mathematics. (3) Methods and materials for using graphics calculators to teach algebra, elementary functions, and analytic geometry.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Community and Occupational Programs (EDCO)

  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3-15) Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)

Instruction and Teacher Education (EDTE)

  • 201 -- Classroom Inquiry with Technology. (3) Explores teaching as a data driven, reflective practice.
  • 470 -- Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum. (2-3) Designed to examine content, goals, and methods of teaching literacy in the middle school. Emphasis is upon the teaching of reading, writing, listening, speaking, media, and research across content areas.
  • 521 -- Middle Level Teaching and Management. (3) Overview of national trends in the middle school with an analysis of the relationship of early adolescent developmental characteristics to organization, curriculum, instruction, and teaching in the middle school level.
  • 522 -- Integrated Curriculum at the Middle Level. (3) (Prereq: upper level undergraduate students exploring middle level education) Constructing, teaching, and assessing an integrated curriculum for students in middle schools.
  • 570 -- Internship in Environments for Teaching and Learning. (3) (Prereq: admission to the profesisonal program in early childhood or elementary education) Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to the level of certification sought (early childhood or elementary) related to establishing environments for teaching and learning.
  • 590A -- Internship in Curriculum and Assessment. (3) (Prereq: admission to internship II in early childhood or elementary education; coreq: EDTE 590B and C) Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to the level of certification sought (early childhood or elementary) related to curriculum design and assessment.
  • 590B -- Internship in Teaching. (3) (Prereq: admission to internship II in early childhood or elementary education; coreq: EDTE 590A and C) Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to the level of certification sought (early childhood or elementary) related to interactive teaching.
  • 590C -- Internship in Professional Roles. (3) (Prereq: admission to internship II in early childhood or elementary education; coreq: EDTE 590A and B) Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to the level of certification sought (early childhood or elementary) related to professional roles.
  • 600 -- Systematic Effective Teaching. (3) Application of research-supported effective teaching techniques to the teaching-learning process, including demonstration lessons, observations, and supervisory conferences.
  • 605 -- Cooperative/Team Learning in Education. (3) Instructional approaches, materials, and procedures for utilizing cooperative/team learning in education.
  • 610 -- Integrated Reading and Writing Instruction. (3) Theoretical bases and techniques for teaching reading and writing in the elementary school, using multiple subject areas.
  • 611 -- Whole Language: Concepts and Practices. (3) Development of concepts, materials, and practices to implement a whole language philosophy.
  • 620 -- Restructuring Schools: Teachers and Classrooms. (3) Examination of issues related to restructuring schools based on different assumptions about teaching, learning, and assessment.
  • 621 -- Middle Level School Today. (3) National trends in the middle level school; emphasis on the relationship of early adolescent developmental characteristics to organization, curriculum, instruction, and teaching.
  • 626 -- Service Learning for School, Community, and Workplace Responsibility. (3) Assist school personnel in designing academic, personal, civic, and workplace responsibility.
  • 631 -- Technology to Support Instruction. (3) Introduction to computers, educational technology, and selected applications for instructional management.
  • 650 -- Internship in Educational Technology. (1-3) (Prereq: Graduate standing) Supervised field-based experiences in the design, development, evaluation, and implementation of technology-based instructional and training projects. May be repeated for up to six credit hours.
  • 671 -- Computers in Science Education. (3) Use of computer technology in teaching and managing science classes and problems in grades K-12.

Department of Physical Education (PEDU)

Fitness and Conditioning

  • 103 -- Jogging. (1) Exercise, lectures, and self-evaluation for weight control and fitness improvement.
  • 104 -- Personal Fitness and Weight Control. (1) Advanced techniques for controlling weight and improving fitness through exercise, lectures, and self-evaluation.
  • 105 -- Weight Training. (1) Fundamentals of progressive resistance exercise training.
  • 106 -- Advanced Weight Training. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 105 or consent of instructor) Advanced techniques.
  • 107 -- Aerobic Dance. (1) Cardio-respiratory fitness, flexibility, and coordination through continuous rhythmical movements.
  • 108 -- Fitness Swimming. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 140 or consent of instructor) Individualized physical conditioning through lap swimming and aquatic calisthenics, games, and activities.
  • 110 -- Orientation to Physical Education. (1) Experiences in a variety of physical-activity areas.


  • 111 -- Badminton. (1) Basic strokes and introduction to the history, rules, and strategy of the game.
  • 112 -- Basketball. (1) Fundamental skills of game performance. Strategy, rules, and basic offenses and defenses.
  • 113 -- Bowling. (1) Fundamental skills and techniques of bowling.
  • 114 -- Golf. (1) Basic strokes, rules, and strategy of golf.
  • 115 -- Gymnastics. (1) Fundamentals of gymnastics on the trampoline and balance beam; tumbling, parallel bars, rings, and the horse.
  • 116 -- Handball. (1) Fundamentals, strategy, and rules of handball.
  • 117 -- Karate. (1) Fundamentals.
  • 118 -- Rugby. (1) Fundamental skills for game performance.
  • 119 -- Soccer. (1) Fundamental skills for game performance; history, rules, and game strategy.
  • 120 -- Softball. (1) Fundamental skills for game performance; history, rules, and game strategy.
  • 121 -- Beginning Tennis. (1) Basic strokes, history, rules, and strategy of the game.
  • 122 -- Volleyball. (1) Recreational and competitive volleyball skills.
  • 123 -- Wrestling. (1) Fundamentals, skills, rules, and history of wrestling.
  • 124 -- Fencing. (1) Basic foil-fencing techniques, rules, terminology, history, and etiquette.
  • 125 -- Intermediate Karate. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 117 or consent of instructor)
  • 126 -- Badminton/Golf. (1) Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
  • 127 -- Field Hockey. (1) Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology of field hockey.
  • 128 -- Football. (1) Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology.
  • 129 -- Racquetball. (1) Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology.
  • 130 -- Intermediate Golf. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 114 or consent of instructor) Intermediate strokes and strategies; heavier emphasis on the total golf swing.
  • 131 -- Basketball/Soccer. (1) Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
  • 132 -- Intermediate Tennis. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 121 or consent of instructor) Intermediate skills and strategies.
  • 133 -- Track and Field. (1) Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology.
  • 134 -- Advanced Gymnastics. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 115 or consent of instructor) Advanced skills and techniques in tumbling and apparatus.
  • 135 -- Tai-Chi-Chuan. (1) Students will learn to perform basic Tai-Chi-Chuan skills. Major consideration will be given to breathing skills and meditation to relieve stress.
  • 136 -- Yoga. (1) Fundamental skills and terminology.
  • 137 -- Tae Kwon Do. (1) Fundamental skills of Tae Kwon Do.
  • 138 -- Softball/Volleyball. (1) Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
  • 139 -- Tennis/Track. (1) Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.


  • 140 -- Beginning Swimming. (1) Skills for safety and recreation.
  • 141 -- Intermediate Swimming. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 140 or consent of instructor)
  • 142 -- Lifeguard Training. (1) (Prereq: swim 500 yards, tread water for one minute, and swim 20 feet underwater) Skills of lifesaving.
  • 143 -- Water Safety Instructor Certification. (1) (Prereq: 17 years of age; sound physical condition; possession of the Red Cross Advanced Lifesaving Certificate, a Red Cross Swimmer Certificate, or the ability to perform the Swimmer Course) Skills, methods, and techniques to teach Red Cross Swimming and Life Saving.
  • 144 -- Beginning Springboard Diving. (1) (Prereq: ability to tread water and swim 20 feet underwater) Basic dives and aesthetics of springboard diving.
  • 145 -- Skin and Scuba Diving. (1) (Prereq: ability to swim at the intermediate level) Safe and effective use of equipment with emphasis on principles and physical laws of diving.
  • 146 -- Scuba (Open Water). (1) Certification program in open water scuba instruction: safety, emergency procedures, equipment handling, navigation, and air consumption. Includes five open water dives.
  • 147 -- Synchronized Swimming. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 141 or consent of instructor) Stroke modifications, basic figures, and sculling techniques; floating patterns and elementary composition of creative aquatics.
  • 148 -- Team Water Sports. (1) (Prereq: intermediate swimming skills) Fundamental skills, rules, and strategies for participation in team water sports.
  • 149 -- Survival Swimming. (1) (Prereq: swim 100 yards, tread water for one minute, and swim 20 feet underwater) Skills and techniques for survival under adverse conditions.
  • 150 -- Advanced Springboard Diving. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 144 or consent of instructor)
  • 153 -- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. (1) Knowledge and skills in providing artificial respiration, first aid for foreign body obstruction, one and two rescuer CPR for adults, infants, and children.
  • 154 -- Advanced Open Water Scuba. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 146 or consent of instructor) Development skills beyond open water diving: underwater navigation, night diving, and deep diving.

Dance and Rhythms

  • 162 -- Beginning Modern Dance. {=THSP 274} (1) Fundamental skills and terminology.
  • 163 -- Intermediate Modern Dance. {=THSP 374} (1) Continuation of PEDU 162; increased dance skills through creative movement, patterns, improvisations, and compositional problems.
  • 164 -- Beginning Ballet. {=THSP 375} (1) Fundamental history and techniques of classical ballet.
  • 165 -- Intermediate Ballet. {=THSP 376} (1) (Prereq: PEDU 164 or permission of instructor) Development of precision, flexibility, and proficiency as a dancer.
  • 173 -- Folk and Square Dance. (1) Fundamental skills and terminology.
  • 174 -- Social Dance. (1) Fundamental skills and terminology.
  • 175 -- Intermediate Social Dance. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 174 or consent of instructor) Development of skills to an intermediate level in six dances: fox trot, waltz, tango, swing, cha cha, rumba.
  • 176 -- Clogging. (1) History, folklore, and skills; individual steps and team routines.
  • 177 -- Beginning Shag. (1) Techniques and history of the Shag, South Carolina's state dance. Chronicled development, style variations, and cultural contributions are emphasized.

Outdoor Activities

  • 180 -- Archery. (1) Fundamentals of target and field archery shooting, history, scoring, and rules.
  • 181 -- Equestrian. (1) English hunter-style riding for intermediate students.
  • 182 -- Backpacking. (1) Living in the out-of-doors; gear selection, map and compass reading, backpacking, hiking, and camping.
  • 183 -- Canoeing. (1) Fundamentals of lake, river, and whitewater canoeing.
  • 184 -- Snow Skiing. (1) Fundamental skills and techniques.
  • 185 -- Beginning Kayaking. (1) Fundamentals of whitewater kayaking including equipment selection and use, safety techniques, strokes, Eskimo roll, river strategies, rescue procedures, and trip planning.
  • 186 -- Bicycle Touring. (1) Fundamental skills and techniques.
  • 187 -- Rock Climbing. (1) Fundamentals of rock and mountain climbing including gear selection and use, knots and rope management, anchoring systems, belaying, rappelling, climbing techniques, and safety considerations.

Physical Education Major Courses

  • 190 -- Introduction to the Description and Analysis of Human Movement. (2) Analysis and performance of fundamental motor skills.
  • 194 -- Educational Gymnastics. (1) Development of knowledge and skill in educational gymnastics. Designed to establish a content base for elementary and middle school physical education programs.
  • 195 -- Educational Games. (1) Development of knowledge and skill in game activities appropriate for the elementary and middle school physical education game setting.
  • 196 -- Educational Dance. (1) Development of personal skills in the use of movement for expressive purposes. Designed to establish a content base for elementary school physical education programs.
  • 226 -- Physical Education for Primary Grades. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 190) Selection and development of appropriate content for elementary school physical education experiences.
  • 232 -- Philosophy and Principles of Physical Education. (3) Historical background, current problems, and publications.
  • 263 -- Introduction to Athletic Training. (2) Introduction to the historical evolution of athletic training with an emphasis on program development including; basic athletic training principles/skills associated with common sports injuries/illnesses.
  • 266 -- Introduction to Athletic Training. (3) (Coreq: PEDU 266L) Principles and practices in the identification and treatment of common athletic injuries.
  • 266L -- Athletic Training Lab. (1) (Coreq: PEDU 266) Techniques and skills used in the prevention or protection of athletic injury.
  • 300 -- First Aid: Responding to Emergencies. (3) Knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs of situations when emergency care is critical. This includes first aid and CPR training.
  • 301 -- Practicum in Physical Education Field Experiences. (1-3) Supervised field experiences for physical educators. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students.
  • 302 -- Foundations of Coaching. (3) The philosophical bases, leadership theory, administrative practice, and organizational problems of competitive athletics.
  • 303 -- Scientific Bases of Coaching I. (3) Anatomical, kinesiological, and biomechanical principles affecting performance in competitive athletics; use of biomechanical analysis techniques. Primarily for non-physical education majors who wish to coach.
  • 304 -- Scientific Bases of Coaching II. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 303) Physiological, psychological, ethical, and sport medicine principles affecting performance in competitive athletics; application of scientific principles. Primarily for non-physical education majors who desire to coach.
  • 312 -- Coaching Gymnastics, Volleyball, and Softball. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 302 and 303)
  • 313 -- Coaching Basketball, Track and Field, and Soccer. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 302 and 303)
  • 314 -- Coaching Football, Baseball, and Wrestling. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 302 and 303)
  • 320 -- Practicum in Coaching. (3) Supervised practical experience in interscholastic coaching settings; concurrent seminar.
  • 340 -- Practicum in the Instructional Aspects of Physical Education. (1) (Coreq: PEDU 360) Application of instructional principles to small peer group settings using open and closed gross motor skills.
  • 341 -- Practicum in Instruction of Young Learners in Movement Settings. (1) (Coreq: PEDU 361) Application of curriculum and instructional principles to small group instruction with young learners.
  • 348 -- Evaluation of Athletic Injuries I. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 223) Provides knowledge and skills for orthopaedic/physical assessment of common athletic injuries to the lower body.
  • 349 -- Evaluation of Athletic Injuries II. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 223, 224, PEDU 348) Provides knowledge and skills for orthopaedic/physical assessment of common athletic injuries to the upper body.
  • 353 -- Recreational Sports Programming. (3) Current program elements and techniques in recreational sports.
  • 360 -- Instructional Aspects of Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 190, cumulative GPA of 2.50 or consent of instructor; coreq: PEDU 340) Instruction in physical education settings, including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and feedback.
  • 361 -- Instruction of Young Learners in Movement Settings. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 360, cumulative GPA of 2.50 or consent of instructor; coreq: PEDU 341) Development of knowledge and skills to teach physical education to young learners.
  • 365 -- Pharmacology and Drug Use in Athletics. (2) (Prereq: PEDU 364) Knowledge, skills, and values associated with athletic trainer's pharmacological applications in the treatment of athletic injuries/illnesses, including use of alcohol and illicit drugs.
  • 366 -- Therapeutic Modalities. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 266 and 266L; coreq: PEDU 366L) Knowledge and techniques needed to plan, operate, document, and evaluate therapeutic modalities used in treatment of athletic injuries/illnesses.
  • 366L -- Therapeutic Modalities Lab (1) (Coreq: PEDU 366) Supervised observation and practicum with a focus on the application of modalities in laboratory situations.
  • 392 -- Athletic Training Clinical I. (1) (Prereq: consent of instructor) A supervised practicum for junior-level athletic training students emphasizing clinical educational and field experiences in a variety of athletic training settings.
  • 393 -- Athletic Training Clinical II. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 392) A supervised practicum for junior-level athletic training students emphasizing clinical educational and field experiences in a variety of athletic training settings.
  • 398 -- Seminar in Physical Education. (1) Various topics related to current events in physical education.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (1-3) Open to sophomores and above. Enrollment and topic to be approved in advance by advisor and instructor. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required.
  • 420 -- Motor Learning in Physical Education. (3) Application of cognitive, sensory, and motor processes related to learning motor skills in physical education and sport settings.
  • 440 -- Practicum in Secondary School Physical Education. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 341; coreq: PEDU 462) The application of curriculum and instructional principles to large group instruction in the secondary school.
  • 446 -- Physical Education Curriculum. (3) The study of K-12 physical education school curriculum theory, issues, and design.
  • 451 -- Teaching Physical Education. (3) (Prereq or coreq: PEDU 462,440) Analysis of teaching and learning in physical education.
  • 462 -- Instruction in Secondary School Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 361, cumulative GPA of 2.50 or consent of instructor; coreq: PEDU 440, PEDU 451) Physical education content and processes for the secondary school.
  • 464 -- Conditioning Methods in Athletic Performance. (2) (Coreq: PEDU 466; prereq: PEDU 365) Supervised observation and practicum on the use of conditioning and training techniques for the prevention and care of athletic injuries.
  • 465 -- Applied Techniques in Injury Assessment. (1) (Prereq:PEDU 464) Supervised observation and practicum with a content focus on techniques used in evaluation and assessment of injury.
  • 466 -- Rehabilitation and Conditioning in Athletic Training. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 266 and 266L) Basic principles needed to establish conditioning programs. Prevention of athletic injury and development of rehabilitation programs for various athletic injuries.
  • 479 -- Directed Teaching in Physical Education. (12)
  • 492 -- Athletic Training Clinical III. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 393) A supervised practicum for senior-level athletic training students emphasizing clinical educational and field experiences in a variety of athletic training settings.
  • 493 -- Athletic Training Clinical IV. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 492) A supervised practicum for senior-level athletic training students emphasizing clinical educational and field experiences in a variety of athletic training settings.
  • 494 -- Athletic Training Senior Seminar. (2) (Prereq: PEDU 348, 349) Supervised practicum with a content focus on NATA exam preparation, advanced skills, and professional research.
  • 495 -- Diagnostic Testing of Athletic Injuries. (1) (Prereq: PEDU 466, 467) Techniques and application of diagnostic testing procedures used in the evaluation and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
  • 496 -- Administration and Guidance in Athletic Training. (3) Management and operation of an athletic training program at high school and college levels.
  • 497 -- Topics in Athletic Training. (2) Current topics in the field of athletic training and sports medicine.
  • 498 -- Advanced Seminar in Physical Education. (1) (Prereq: 90 hrs. and permission of instructor) Advanced learning opportunities in professional physical education.
  • 510 -- Teaching Health Related Physical Fitness. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 223/224 or BIOL 243/244) Knowledge and application of processes and principles of health related physical fitness in physical education and sport settings.
  • 515 -- Physical Education for Inclusion. (3) (Prereq: 340, 360) Designing physical education programs for special populations and for students with special needs.
  • 520 -- Observational Analysis of Sports Techniques and Tactics. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 190, EXSC 223, 224 or BIOL 243, 244; PHYS 101) Qualitative and quantitative techniques to observe, describe, analyze, and evaluate human movement in physical education and sports settings.
  • 545 -- Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: 15 credits in professional physical education, including PEDU 132 and 6 semester hours of professional skill courses) The historic background of measurement in physical education; statistical techniques to be used in scoring and interpreting tests; evaluation of measures now available in the field; and the administration of a testing program.
  • 546 -- Advanced Athletic Training. (3) (Prereq: PEDU 346 or consent of instructor) Problems in athletic training and conditioning. Instruction in the proper initial diagnosis and disposition of athletic injuries, rehabilitation techniques, and the specific technical requirements of the athletic training profession.
  • 553 -- The Organization and Administration of Physical Education. (3) (Prereq: 18 credits in physical education, including six semester hours of professional skill courses) Organization of instructional, intramural, interscholastic, and recreational programs, with emphasis on criteria for the evaluation and selection of activities.
  • 555 -- Current Topics in Physical Education. (1-3)
  • 570 -- Human Child/Adolescent Growth. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 223, 224, or equivalent) Human physical growth and development of children with emphasis on years 4 to 18.
  • 575 -- Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher. (3) (Prereq: EDUC 201) Appropriate movement experiences for children. Not available for physical education majors.
  • 577 -- Dance Performance. {=THSP 577} (3) Rehearsal, choreographic analysis, and dance performance. All components of dance production--including music, costume, lighting, and scenery--will be considered.
  • 635 -- South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum. (3) Development of physical education programs using the South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum Materials.
  • 637 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Football. (3) (Prereq: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching) An intensive investigation of current theories of offensive and defensive football. Generalship, strategy, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
  • 638 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Basketball. (3) (Prereq: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching) An intensive investigation of the latest techniques and theories of coaching basketball. Systems of offense and defense, generalship, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
  • 639 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Track and Field Events. (3) (Prereq: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high-school coaching) A thorough study of the latest techniques of coaching track and field events. Isometric, isotonic, and interval conditioning theories involving the cardiovascular and muscular systems are examined to acquaint the student with varying physiological approaches to conditioning.
  • 640 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques of Teaching and Officiating Girls' Gymnastics. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) A thorough study of the latest techniques of teaching and officiating girls' gymnastics. Balance beam, vaulting, uneven bars, tumbling, dance skills and routines, and officiating methods.
  • 650 -- American Coaching Effectiveness Program. (3) The skill and knowledge to conduct an effective and safe athletic program for youth.
  • 660 -- Counseling Student Athletes. {=EDCE 650} (3) Issues facing student athletes regarding their personal and career development beyond athletics.

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